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How The Fracking Revolution Is Killing the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry


Read time: 16 mins After over a decade of the much-hyped U.S. fracking miracle, the U.S. oil and gas industry is having to deal with years of losses and falling asset values which has dealt the industry a serious financial blow. This is despite the fracking revolution delivering record oil and gas production for the past decade, peaking in 2019.

Methane 145
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JB Straubel gives a tour of Redwood Materials’ battery recycling operation


Despite what the anti-EV brigade would like you to believe, recycling lithium-ion batteries is quite feasible both technologically and financially, and several companies are doing so right now. One of these is Li-Cycle , which was featured in the July/August issue of Charged. Another is Redwood Materials , which has gotten a lot of press coverage thanks to its superstar CEO, Tesla co-founder JB Straubel.

Recycling 145

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Meet The Fiskers, The Billionaire Power Couple Taking On Tesla

Forbes Green Tech

Famed car designer Henrik Fisker is mounting a comeback seven years after his pioneering electric vehicle company collapsed.

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Britain's wind turbines deliver new record amid blustery weather

Business Green

Wind power generation hit a new high of 17.3GW last week during short period when zero carbon electricity produced nearly three-quarters of output, National Grid ESO reveals. Wind power in Britain broke a yet another new record on Friday, when gusty winter weather saw the UK's growing fleet of onshore and offshore turbines produce nearly 17.3GW of power for the electricity grid, according to National Grid ESO.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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2020 was the year that…


2020 was the year that…. Joel Makower. Mon, 12/28/2020 - 02:11. It was a very long year. True, just 366 days (it was a leap year, after all), each one, I’m told, containing only the standard 24 hours. But it was much, much longer than that. Remember 2019? Neither do I. To recall some of the key developments, as I have done each December for more than a decade, I’ve plumbed the nearly 1,300 stories, columns and analyses we've published on GreenBiz.com since the dawn of 2020 — a.k.a. the beforetim

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U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption Surpasses Coal For 1st Time In Over 130 Years


In 2019, U.S. annual energy consumption from renewable sources exceeded coal consumption for the first time since before 1885, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Monthly Energy Review. This outcome mainly reflects the continued decline in the amount of coal used for electricity generation over the past decade as well as growth in renewable energy, mostly from wind and solar.

Energy 0

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'Extremely encouraging': Why three-quarters of UK firms are now plotting net zero goals in 2021

Business Green

HSBC poll of 1,000 UK businesses indicates operational and supply chain net zero targets are heading into the mainstream. A major survey of UK firms has found almost three-quarters of businesses plan to introduce net zero emissions goals covering their own operations and supply chains over the next year, as climate-aligned business strategies head into the mainstream, according to banking giant HSBC.

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Treasury: Net zero transition 'essential for long term prosperity'

Business Green

Treasury publishes interim Net Zero Review outlining approach to estimating costs associated with decarbonising UK economy. Delivering a net zero emissions economy by 2050 is "essential" for ensuring long term prosperity in the UK, as the transition will create new jobs and opportunities while helping stave off the "existential threat to humanity" posed by climate change.

Policy 101
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Nature-based prescriptions: Green projects secure ÂŁ5.77m to help boost mental wellbeing

Business Green

Seven projects across England secure funding to test nature-based prescriptions designed to improve mental health and community well-being. Research into how connecting people with nature through activities such as walking, cycling, community gardening, and tree planting can help boost mental health and wellbeing is to be carried out through seven projects across England, thanks to £5.77m of government funding confirmed today.

Health 101
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Renewables revolution powers UK to top of decarbonisation league table

Business Green

New report finds that the UK has decarbonised its electricity system twice as fast any another major economy. The UK has halved the carbon intensity of its electricity system over the past decade, decarbonising twice as fast as any other major economy, according to figures contained in a new report from Drax Insights. The switch has been powered principally by the UK's move away from coal to renewable energy sources such as wind and biomass according to the the analysis, which was conducted by a

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Electrofuels Are the Future: The Driving Force to Decarbonizing Heavy Transport

Speaker: Ayesha Choudhury - Senior Vice President, Head of Capital Markets at Infinium

With the first wave of the energy transition, renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) have begun replacing coal power generation. However, some sectors are lagging behind and struggling to decarbonize more than others, including large-scale transportation like commercial aviation, shipping, and rail transit. Electrofuels (aka eFuels) are the next generation of solutions to help the hardest-to-abate sectors pivot from their reliance on fossil fuels.

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UK's first green number plates hit the roads

Business Green

Government introduces first dedicated number plates for zero emission vehicles, potentially paving the way for new incentives for electric vehicle drivers. Green number plates are to appear on the UK's roads for the first time from today, as the government looks to accelerate demand for zero emission vehicles ahead of the 2030 ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine cars and vans.

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Justin Trudeau unveils new net zero plan for Canada

Business Green

Environmentalists welcome legislation but warn that a lack of penalties for failing to meet targets must be addressed as landmark bill makes its way through legislative process. Canada has tabled new legislation that will see the country formally commit to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, in line with its Paris Agreement commitments. The bill, introduced to Parliament yesterday by federal environment and climate change minister Jonathan Wilkinson, would require the government to set five-yea

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Government promises to unleash net zero investment blitz with 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution

Business Green

Carbon capture, hydrogen, nuclear, EVs, and renewables all set to benefit from ÂŁ12bn government stimulus plan, but critics warn funding falls well short of the level required to trigger a green recovery. Boris Johnson has unveiled his much-vaunted 10-point green recovery plan, promising a multi-billion pound package of investment across the green economy designed to create an estimated 250,000 new jobs in the carbon capture, electric vehicle, nuclear, hydrogen and renewables sectors.

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Giant 14MW mega-turbines heading for the North Sea

Business Green

GE Renewable Energy confirms latest order from Dogger Bank wind farm will see upgraded 14MW Haliade-X turbines deployed for the first time. Another wave of world record-breaking wind turbines are on track to be deployed in the North Sea, after GE Renewable Energy today announced it has been confirmed as the preferred turbine supplier for Dogger Bank C, the third phase of the giant offshore wind project.

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AR/VR Simulations for Sustainable, Regenerative, Circular Cities

Speaker: Nik Gowing, Brenda Laurel, Sheridan Tatsuno, Archie Kasnet, and Bruce Armstrong Taylor

With 191 country signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement now hard at work in the race to zero carbon by 2050, much of the heavy lifting in ecosystem sustainability falls on the shoulders of the world's densely populated urban centers. This conversation considers how today's AI-enabled simulation media, such as AR/VR, can be effectively applied to accelerate learning, understanding, training, and solutions-modeling to sustainability planning and design.

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'Astongate': Aston Martin and Bosch accused of using controversial report to downplay EVs' environmental benefits

Business Green

Green experts hit out at data underpinning industry-backed EV lifecycle CO2 assessment report which was widely covered by national press over the weekend. A car industry-commissioned report on the CO2 impact of electric vehicles (EVs) has courted criticism, following allegations it overstated the emissions impact of EVs compared to internal combustion engine cars and was produced by a PR firm run from an address allegedly owned by Aston Martin's director of government and corporate affairs.

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Writing the book on the net zero transition

Business Green

The CCC's epic new report provides the blueprint for a net zero economy, the rationale for following it, and hints at the high drama that will define the century - it could prove to be a canonical document. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has just published the book on the net zero transition. At around 1,000 pages perhaps it is the War and Peace of the green industrial revolution, an exploration of every corner of society at a time of historic flux.

Politics 101
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'Tip of the iceberg': Aviation emissions three times larger than current estimates, scientists warn

Business Green

Landmark report from EU aviation regulator into non-CO2 emissions produced by jet engines sets out new financial, fuel, and air traffic measures that would target the full gamut of aviation emissions. Aviation emissions are harming the planet at a far more severe rate than previously thought, according to a major new study from the European Union's aviation regulator which examines the climate impact of a number of lesser-understood emissions produced by jet engines.

Aviation 101
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'Radical collabration is essential': UN-backed global citizens' assembly to take place ahead of COP26

Business Green

'Biggest ever' citizen's assembly will encourage climate discussions between 'millions' of global citizens in lead up to vital climate summit, according to partner organisations. Citizens from around the world will be invited to take part in a supersized citizens' assembly in the lead up to the COP26 conference next year that aims to canvas views on the best ways to tackle the climate crisis ahead of the landmark climate summit.

Logistics 101
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How Digital Transformation will Bend the Curve of the Linear Economy Toward the Circular

Speaker: Bruce Armstrong Taylor, Co-Founder & Managing Director of SmartNations Foundation, Jimmy Jia, Venture Partner at Pi Labs, Fabienne Durand, Senior Advisor to the SmartNations Foundation, & Roger Strukhoff, Executive Director of the Tau Institute

The Climate 4.0 Economy. Climate change is here. We see it in many ways already. Weather catastrophes: Texas freezing over, the wildfires of California, the increasingly unpredictable violence and frequency of hurricanes, the rapid melting and disappearance of polar ice caps. Much more evidence all around us. What can we do in our corporate organizations, in our homes and communities, to change the current course?

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No country compliant with Paris Agreement climate goals, analysis warns

Business Green

Annual Climate Change Performance Index points to mixed progress among world's 58 highest emitters. None of the world's 58 highest greenhouse gas emitting countries are on a decarbonisation pathway compatible with the Paris Agreement, even if emissions are falling in more than half of those surveyed. That is the headline conclusion from a major new analysis released today that points to mixed progress in the global effort to tackle the climate crisis.

Policy 101
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2020 Electric Vehicle Retrospective — Prospects For 2021 & Beyond


Ever since Tesla's original Roadster demonstrated that a plugin electric vehicle with over 240 miles of rated range was technically possible, even with the nascent technology that was deliverable way back in 2008, the ultimate transition of road transport from combustion to plugins has been largely inevitable.

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What Nissan Should Have Done With The 2021 LEAF


A week ago, Nissan put out a press release detailing the 2021 LEAF's pricing and options. To be perfectly honest, I feel bad for whoever Nissan has writing these, because nothing has changed. Keep reading, though, because I'm going to make this a whole lot more entertaining than Nissan's people did.

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The Nuclear Industry’s Really Bad Safety Analysis


I have never seen the nuclear industry address the question of why their safety analysis calculations are off by an order of magnitude. Until they do, and I think it should include a gigantic mia culpa, my own choice would be not to allow any of their fantastical designs to be built.

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Bogota Gets 470 New Electric Buses, Berlin Gets 90


Electric bus adoption shows no signs of slowing down. We regularly share stories of transit authorities buying another batch of electric buses, and it's happening all over the world. Most recently, we got some big orders. Berlin, Germany, added 90 electric buses and Bogota, Colombia, added.

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Is It Time To Change The FAANG Stock List To FATANG To Include Tesla?


First, What is FAANG? Let's start by explaining the FAANG list of stocks. These are all household name tech stocks.

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Why Jay Leno Sees Tesla As Current & Indefinite EV Leader


Jay Leno has been a fan of Tesla since the beginning. He has featured Tesla vehicles on his CNBC show Jay Leno’s Garage many times — highlights include an episode from 2012 in which Tesla Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen gives Jay a grand tour of the brand-new Model S, and one from 2020 in which Leno and Elon Musk take the Cybertruck for a trip through the Boring Company’s tunnel below Los Angeles.

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Going Solar In Kenya


I am well satisfied with our new solar power system. The solar revolution has been launched in Kenya and is quickly gaining “sunshine.”.

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Tesla Gets 5-Year Lithium Hydroxide Deal With China’s Yahua


We've written at length about the vast need for lithium if the electric vehicle market is going to keep growing at the pace it's been growing at. Lithium is abundant on Earth, but it takes years to set up lithium mines and manufacturing facilities to get that lithium ready for use in a battery, so it's not a resource issue, but rather a business and investment issue.

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91% Of EV Drivers In The UK Would Never Go Back To An ICE Vehicle


Zap-Map asked 2000 drivers of electric and PHEV cars whether they would consider owing an gasoline or diesel powered car again. 91% said no.

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Record Electric Vehicle Sales In Europe!


Despite the overall automotive market being in the doghouse, -14% year over year (YoY), Europe's passenger plugin market is on fire, having score a record 166,000 registrations in November (+198% YoY). That placed last month's plugin share at 16% share — 8% full electrics (BEV).

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NY Governor Cuomo Unleashes New Electric Bus Initiatives


More Than $16 Million in Volkswagen Settlement Funds and Technical Support for Five Large Transit Operators. Additional $2.5 Million Available Statewide for School Buses that Reduce Emissions.

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DJI: 500 People Saved by Small Drones So Far


To show the good small drones are doing, DJI has an online map and counter showing how many people have been saved by drone operators. According to the company, drones have not only found missing people so others could rescue them, but they have also brought supplies to trapped survivors and found people through smoke and darkness who were unconscious.

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New York Unveils First DC Fast Charging Hub in Franklin County


Franklin County, New York recently got its first non-Tesla DC fast charging station, and it's part of a larger plan for charging hubs to be located throughout the state.

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Diesel Dies Early: Truck Makers Agree To End ICE Production By 2040


Europe's seven largest commercial truck makers have jointly agreed to end the sale of diesel-engined trucks by 2040. Instead, Daf, Daimler, Ford, Iveco, Man, Scania, and Volvo will switch focus to hydrogen fuel cell and battery-electric vehicles, allowing them to achieve their zero-emissions goals a full decade earlier than previously planned.