Sat.Dec 05, 2020 - Fri.Dec 11, 2020

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The Moment Of The Electric Vehicle Has Arrived

Forbes Green Tech

It is time to radically re-imagine the future of the automotive industry around the electric vehicle. We are entering a period that will see one of the greatest technological changes in human history, and it will take place before your very eyes in the next few years. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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More Green Hydrogen In US / Netherlands Offshore Wind Hookup


A new offshore wind / green hydrogen project takes shape in the Netherlands, with implications for deep decarbonization across the globe.


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Green Groups Call On Future Biden White House To Overturn New EPA Rule Announced With The Heritage Foundation


Read time: 5 mins During a virtual event on Wednesday, December 9 hosted by the Heritage Foundation — a conservative free market think tank backed by polluters like the petrochemical Koch empire — the outgoing head of the Environmental Protection Agency (and former coal lobbyist) Andrew Wheeler announced the finalization of a new rule that critics say is a gift to polluting industries opposed to federal regulations.

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Coca-Cola, Pepsi, & Nestlé Named World’s Top Plastic Polluters — For 3rd Year In A Row


Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Nestlé are the world's top plastic polluters for the third consecutive year. This news comes from Break Free From Plastic's report that was released this week during a virtual press conference.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Adidas and H&M join project to scale circular fashion and recycled fibers


Adidas and H&M join project to scale circular fashion and recycled fibers. Michael Holder. Fri, 12/11/2020 - 00:05. Adidas and H&M Group are among a host of fashion and textile firms to have teamed up for an EU-funded sustainable fashion project announced in late November, which aims to develop a circular economy for clothing that would result in old garments and fibers being recycled into new items for major high street brands.

Fashion 486
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Zimbabwe permaculture education center promotes self-sufficiency

Inhabitat - Innovation

German architecture firm Studio Anna Heringer has completed the first kindergarten in Zimbabwe's Chimanimani District, a rural and desolate region home to about 200 families that have long lacked access to education. The kindergarten, which builds on the firm's award-winning portfolio of humanitarian architecture, serves as a pilot project for PORET, Zimbabwe's permaculture community, to promote permaculture and encourage self-sufficiency in the local community.

Education 266

More Trending

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MIT Study Lays Bare Why Nuclear Costs Keep Rising


A Massachusetts Institute of Technology team has shed light on a key challenge for the nuclear industry: the rising cost of new plants. And the answer provides support to those who believe small modular reactors ultimately may be the best route to cost reduction. It turns out that the main reason for spiraling nuclear plant construction bills is soft costs, the indirect expenses related to activities such as engineering design, purchasing, planning, scheduling and — ironically — esti

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HSBC invests in world’s first ‘reef credit’ system


HSBC invests in world’s first ‘reef credit’ system. Jesse Klein. Mon, 12/07/2020 - 01:45. Traditionally, offset markets have been focused on credits for atmospheric carbon sequestration or restoration projects. But there are many other ways industrial and agricultural operations harm the planet. Australian-based environmental project developer GreenCollar decided to tackle one problem by creating a new type of credit to address an environmental issue very close to its country’s heart: the degrad

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Human-produced mass now outweighs the Earth's biomass

Inhabitat - Innovation

Research published in Nature revealed that human-made matter now outweighs the earth's biomass. The research further shows that, on average, every person on Earth is responsible for creating matter equal to their own weight each week.

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Delivering pledges to net zero essential if Paris targets to be met, says IEMA

Envirotec Magazine

New briefing paper outlines the need for business relevance, multiple tools, planned pathways and transparent approaches. On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement on Climate, news that the recent spate of pledges from major economies could put the world on course to meet the Paris Climate Agreement goals are encouraging, said sustainability membership organisation IEMA – but only if those pledges are acted upon.

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Electrofuels Are the Future: The Driving Force to Decarbonizing Heavy Transport

Speaker: Ayesha Choudhury - Senior Vice President, Head of Capital Markets at Infinium

With the first wave of the energy transition, renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) have begun replacing coal power generation. However, some sectors are lagging behind and struggling to decarbonize more than others, including large-scale transportation like commercial aviation, shipping, and rail transit. Electrofuels (aka eFuels) are the next generation of solutions to help the hardest-to-abate sectors pivot from their reliance on fossil fuels.

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Why Do We Need Green Technology?

U.S. Green Technology

The main purpose of green technology is to slow down global warming and reduce the green house effect. The main idea is the creation of new technologies. The post Why Do We Need Green Technology? appeared first on U.S. Green Technology.

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3 big trends headlining a tumultuous year in food


3 big trends headlining a tumultuous year in food. Jim Giles. Fri, 12/11/2020 - 01:45. I’m going to try to make sense of this tumultuous year, starting with three trends from the past 12 months that I see as key to the immediate future of food. 1. An insane year for alternative proteins. The trend: By Dec. 1, venture capitalists invested a whopping $1.5 billion in alternative proteins during 2020, according to the latest data from the Good Food Institute.

Soil 454
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Modular home in Delft boasts low-carbon timber build and a green roof

Inhabitat - Innovation

Building information modeling (BIM), modular construction and low-carbon timber materials combine in the sustainable Buitenhuis, a small low-impact home with beautiful farmland views in Heinenoord, the Netherlands.

Carbon 262
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Brighton firm to develop new landfill methane emission monitoring intelligence platform

Envirotec Magazine

Environmental sector ICT specialist Recycle2Trade has signed up to the national SPRINT (SPace Research and Innovation Network for Technology) business support programme, which is providing funding to support the company in a collaboration with the University of Leicester on a project that aims to use satellite observations of landfills to detect gas emissions and damage to surrounding vegetation.

Methane 246
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AR/VR Simulations for Sustainable, Regenerative, Circular Cities

Speaker: Nik Gowing, Brenda Laurel, Sheridan Tatsuno, Archie Kasnet, and Bruce Armstrong Taylor

With 191 country signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement now hard at work in the race to zero carbon by 2050, much of the heavy lifting in ecosystem sustainability falls on the shoulders of the world's densely populated urban centers. This conversation considers how today's AI-enabled simulation media, such as AR/VR, can be effectively applied to accelerate learning, understanding, training, and solutions-modeling to sustainability planning and design.

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5 Ways to Understanding Sustainable Construction

U.S. Green Technology

5 Techniques for Sustainable Building Construction Sustainable construction covers two main facets: following protocols that will reduce the impact on the environment during the building process and creating something that will have a positive impact in the future. Not only does sustainable construction help protect the planet, but it also often results in great cost-saving.

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Nestlé digs deeper into regenerative ag, puts $3.6B behind net-zero plan


Nestlé digs deeper into regenerative ag, puts $3.6B behind net-zero plan. Heather Clancy. Mon, 12/07/2020 - 02:00. The world’s largest food company, Nestlé, last week said it plans to spend roughly $3.6 billion over the next five years to meet its net-zero by 2050 aspirations. But CEO Mark Schneider took pains to position this investment as one that will be "earnings-neutral.".

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Water joins the commodities market

Inhabitat - Innovation

Oil, gold, pork bellies, water — it's all fodder for Wall Street trading. But putting water into the hands of financial institutions may leave many thirsty.

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Consultancy offers help ahead of Brexit deadline for chemicals regulation

Envirotec Magazine

British companies who currently hold registrations under the EU REACH regulation, and have not yet transferred their registrations to an EU legal entity, need to act quickly to continue to trade with the EU, EEA or Northern Ireland – and environmental consultancy Ricardo says it “stands ready to help”, with a special offer open until 24 December.

Organic 246
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How Digital Transformation will Bend the Curve of the Linear Economy Toward the Circular

Speaker: Bruce Armstrong Taylor, Co-Founder & Managing Director of SmartNations Foundation, Jimmy Jia, Venture Partner at Pi Labs, Fabienne Durand, Senior Advisor to the SmartNations Foundation, & Roger Strukhoff, Executive Director of the Tau Institute

The Climate 4.0 Economy. Climate change is here. We see it in many ways already. Weather catastrophes: Texas freezing over, the wildfires of California, the increasingly unpredictable violence and frequency of hurricanes, the rapid melting and disappearance of polar ice caps. Much more evidence all around us. What can we do in our corporate organizations, in our homes and communities, to change the current course?

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Sustainable Tomorrow: 6 Top Benefits of a Green Home

U.S. Green Technology

6 Benefits of a Green Home According to NASA, there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreats in the last 650,000 years. And these climate changes contribute to the amount of solar energy that our planet receives. And if you feel like the planet is getting warmer by the day (i.e., less snowfall. The post Sustainable Tomorrow: 6 Top Benefits of a Green Home appeared first on U.S.

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Dairy Management Inc.’s Krysta Harden on the dairy industry’s net zero initiative


Dairy Management Inc.’s Krysta Harden on the dairy industry’s net zero initiative. This video is sponsored by Dairy Management Inc. “Our net zero initiative is part of our overreaching environmental goals set by our industry. earlier this year, but really I think we're planting the seeds for what's going to be a great future for U.S. dairy - looking at issues including getting to carbon neutrality by 2050, but we also have water quality goals and nutrient management goals.”.

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London tree rental service solves a Christmas quandary

Inhabitat - Innovation

Skip the faux vs. real Christmas tree debate. In London, one innovative company is allowing people to rent pot-grown trees that can continue growing after the holidays.

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Revolutionary smart substation trial to spearhead Net Zero

Envirotec Magazine

Smart electricity substations that speak to each other using the 5G network could hold one of the keys to enabling the Net Zero revolution. Distribution Network Operator (DNO) UK Power Networks has been given the green light by regulator Ofgem after a successful bid to its Network Innovation Competition fund to trial a world-first innovation project, Constellation.

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Six Clearway Community Solar Projects Kick Off Construction Across Illinois


The projects are part of an 18-project, 54 MW portfolio sold to Clearway in 2019 under a master purchase agreement with Cypress Creek Renewables, which acted as the originator and early-stage developer for the majority of Clearway’s Illinois community solar portfolio.

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WSLA, GreenBiz team on Women in Sustainability Leadership Awards


WSLA, GreenBiz team on Women in Sustainability Leadership Awards. Heather Clancy. Wed, 12/09/2020 - 00:00. I'm excited to share that GreenBiz Group is teaming up with the newly formed WSLA Alumnae Group, which acquired the Women in Sustainability Leadership Awards (WSLA) from gb&d magazine in August. We'll be acting as the organization's media partner to build awareness for the next edition of its awards program.

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A pygmy possum on Kangaroo Island revives conservationists' hopes

Inhabitat - Innovation

This is the first time that the tiny animal has been spotted after a wildfire ravaged the island last summer.

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How to Improve Workplace Productivity with LED Lighting

U.S. Green Technology

LED Lighting and Workplace Productivity There are numerous reasons to leverage LED lighting in your business. Switching from fluorescent bulbs can bring down energy consumption and reduce your power bill. The financial benefits extend to acquisition and maintenance costs, which are decreased through rebates and less frequent replacements. Investing in LEDs can also strengthen your.

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NM Group: Securing Energy Supply for a Greener Tomorrow

Green Business Bureau

NM Group , a 2019 EIC and Utility Week Network Awards finalist, optimizes electricity network performance through the use of remote sensing and 3D visualization. With detailed geospatial data, NM Group conducts computer-based analysis to determine transmission line integrity and onsite conditions. In the last two years alone, NM Group has modeled approximately 45,000 miles of overhead lines for vegetation management purposes.

Energy 142
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Buenos Aires Expands Bike Network to Major Avenues as Part of COVID-19 Response

The City Fix

Bike infrastructure in Latin American cities has been growing fast over the last decade. Cities like Bogotá and Santiago have more than doubled the size of their cycling networks. This is good news, as studies have shown that cities that. Continue reading on

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BIG designs the energy-efficient heart of Johns Hopkins University

Inhabitat - Innovation

JHU has tapped BIG to add a new student center to serve as a modern, welcoming social hub for students.

Energy 264
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The 5 most unusual U.S. solar installations of 2020

Solar Power World

Announcements about new rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations come across our desks at Solar Power World daily, but some unique designs manage to stick out in our minds long after we report about them. Here are five of the most unusual solar installations we covered in 2020. The post The 5 most unusual U.S. solar installations of 2020 appeared first on Solar Power World.

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New ROCSYS robotic system automates charging at e-bus depots


Ebusco is a supplier of electric buses and depot chargers, while ROCSYS supplies plug-in robots. The two Dutch companies are working together on a system to automate charging at bus depots, using a robotically-controlled CCS charging system. “The advantages of automating bus depots are many and varied,” says Peter Bijvelds, CEO of Ebusco. “Automating this process means there is no need for human hands, and that has two major benefits.

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How Bogotá Is Turning 7,000 Citizen Proposals into a Real Plan to Redesign a Major Thoroughfare

The City Fix

Just before she took office in January 2020, Mayor Claudia López committed to redesigning a major artery of Bogotá into a “green corridor” for sustainable, active mobility. She also committed to a comprehensive participatory planning process – a potentially daunting. Continue reading on

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Nimble makes phone accessories from recycled plastic, CDs and more

Inhabitat - Innovation

Nimble is taking care of plastic and e-waste by turning them into cool new accessories for your smart phone.

Plastics 248