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Study: Younger generations drive consumption of plant-based food, while baby boomers lag behind


Younger age groups are driving the consumption of vegetarian and vegan food, according to an EAT-GlobeScan survey. This trend presents a significant opportunity for sustainable food brands.

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Atmospheric sulphur dioxide levels hit historic high in Scotland following Icelandic volcanic eruption

Envirotec Magazine

An eruption on the Reykanes peninsula, Iceland. Edinburgh, no stranger to an occasional haze, experienced an unprecedented atmospheric event on 31 May, unlike any seen over the past 30 years. While sea haar from the North Sea often blankets Scotland’s capital, the haze observed that Friday felt distinctively different. UKCEH researchers are currently investigating if this haze can be attributed to a volcanic plume that transited the UK following an eruption in Iceland.

Health 264

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Kimberly-Clark is on a roll with new forest policy and goals

NRDC onEarth

The maker of Kleenex, Cottonelle, and Scott tissue products just committed to go beyond its biggest competitors.

Policy 190
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Offshore wind zone shrunk and pushed further out to sea to protect penguins, reefs and whales

Renew Economy

A new offshore wind farm zone will be just two-thirds of its original proposed size and further off the coast to protect little penguins, rocky reefs and the southern right whale. The post Offshore wind zone shrunk and pushed further out to sea to protect penguins, reefs and whales appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Policy 128
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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Mapped: The Tory Network of Climate Denial and Fossil Fuel Funding


Speaking outside Downing Street on 23 May, announcing a general election for 4 July, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak took a swipe at what he dubbed “environmental dogma”. It was a sign of how much has changed since 2021, when the UK hosted the flagship COP26 UN climate summit with a promise to “irrefutably to turn the tide and to begin the fightback against climate change”.

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Pact including Coca-Cola, Nestlé moves 2025 plastic reduction goals to 2030


The absence of federal standards is hindering the progress of the U.S. Plastics Pact, according to the group.

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Pennsylvania Takes a Crack at Making Virtual Power Plants a Reality

NRDC onEarth

Linking EVs, smart homes, and other resources to the grid takes work from PJM and states. Pennsylvania is beginning to do its part.

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Tests show 30 year-old solar panels still operating at 79.5 per cent of original capacity

Renew Economy

A rooftop solar system installed more than 30 years ago in France is still operating at just under 80 per cent of its original output, a new report has found. The post Tests show 30 year-old solar panels still operating at 79.5 per cent of original capacity appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Real-time data show the air in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’ is even worse than expected


Since the 1980s, the 85-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that connects New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has been known as “ Cancer Alley.” The name stems from the fact that the area’s residents have a 95 percent greater chance of developing cancer than the average American. A big reason for this is the concentration of industrial facilities along the corridor — particularly petrochemical manufacturing plants, many of which emit ethylene oxide, an extremely potent toxin that is consid

Health 138
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Inside Microsoft’s Panama tropical forest carbon offtake deal


8 months of due diligence and tens of millions in early-stage financing will help restore 10,000 hectares of tropical forest in Panama.

Carbon 337
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Electrofuels Are the Future: The Driving Force to Decarbonizing Heavy Transport

Speaker: Ayesha Choudhury - Senior Vice President, Head of Capital Markets at Infinium

With the first wave of the energy transition, renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) have begun replacing coal power generation. However, some sectors are lagging behind and struggling to decarbonize more than others, including large-scale transportation like commercial aviation, shipping, and rail transit. Electrofuels (aka eFuels) are the next generation of solutions to help the hardest-to-abate sectors pivot from their reliance on fossil fuels.

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New Zealand’s First Green Hydrogen Fast Refuelling Station Begins Commercial Operation


To develop a hydrogen supply chain in the country OBAYASHI CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenji Hasuwa) commenced operations of a green.

Hydrogen 131
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Conservative Party Received 40 Percent of its Donations from Fossil Fuel Interests in First Week of Campaign


The Conservative Party accepted £225,000 in donations from firms and individuals with financial interests in oil and gas during the first week of the general election campaign, DeSmog and Democracy for Sale can reveal. Rishi Sunak’s party was given £575,000 from 30 May, when Parliament was dissolved, to 5 June, official figures show. This included £75,000 from Alasdair Locke, an oil, gas and motor fuel executive, £50,000 from Lord Stanley Fink, who has shares in the oil and gas supermajor Shell,

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Cattle among the trackers and all-electric cherries: The shift to solar and fossil fuel free farming

Renew Economy

Farmers are going all electric and grazing cattle under solar arrays. It's an antidote to claims that renewables and agriculture cannot exist. The post Cattle among the trackers and all-electric cherries: The shift to solar and fossil fuel free farming appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Tesla Megapack battery storage system enters Japan’s ancillary services market

Energy Storage News

A battery energy storage system (BESS) comprising Tesla Megapacks with output of 10.8MW and 43MWh storage capacity has gone into operation in Sendai, Japan.

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AR/VR Simulations for Sustainable, Regenerative, Circular Cities

Speaker: Nik Gowing, Brenda Laurel, Sheridan Tatsuno, Archie Kasnet, and Bruce Armstrong Taylor

With 191 country signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement now hard at work in the race to zero carbon by 2050, much of the heavy lifting in ecosystem sustainability falls on the shoulders of the world's densely populated urban centers. This conversation considers how today's AI-enabled simulation media, such as AR/VR, can be effectively applied to accelerate learning, understanding, training, and solutions-modeling to sustainability planning and design.

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Coming soon to a lake near you: Floating solar panels


A reservoir is many things: a source of drinking water, a playground for swimmers, a refuge for migrating birds. But if you ask solar-power enthusiasts, a reservoir is also not realizing its full potential. That open water could be covered with buoyant panels, a burgeoning technology known as floating photovoltaics, aka “floatovoltaics.” They could simultaneously gather energy from the sun and shade the water, reducing evaporation — an especially welcome bonus where droughts are getting worse.

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Another Hydrogen Bus Order: Client From German Gummersbach


Solaris Bus & Coach has received another order for hydrogen buses. This time, the zero-emission Solaris buses, totaling 15 units, will strengthen the public transport fleet in the German city of Gummersbach. The hydrogen-powered Urbino 12 hydrogen buses.

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Ember: World on pace to have nearly 4TW of surplus solar manufacturing capacity by 2030

PV Tech

A new report from Ember Climate has found that cumulative global solar manufacturing capacity will almost double solar deployment by 2030.

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Grants for home batteries could “save billions” in shift to renewables

Renew Economy

Incentivising households and landlords into renewable tech such as batteries and solar would save billions on large-scale infrastructure, new report says. The post Grants for home batteries could “save billions” in shift to renewables appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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How Digital Transformation will Bend the Curve of the Linear Economy Toward the Circular

Speaker: Bruce Armstrong Taylor, Co-Founder & Managing Director of SmartNations Foundation, Jimmy Jia, Venture Partner at Pi Labs, Fabienne Durand, Senior Advisor to the SmartNations Foundation, & Roger Strukhoff, Executive Director of the Tau Institute

The Climate 4.0 Economy. Climate change is here. We see it in many ways already. Weather catastrophes: Texas freezing over, the wildfires of California, the increasingly unpredictable violence and frequency of hurricanes, the rapid melting and disappearance of polar ice caps. Much more evidence all around us. What can we do in our corporate organizations, in our homes and communities, to change the current course?

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Chart: Clean energy set to attract double investment spent on fossil fuels

Canary Media

In 2024, about $2 trillion will be invested in clean energy projects — a first for the rapidly expanding sector. The amount is nearly double what will be invested in oil, coal, and gas this year, according to the International Energy Agency’s new report “World Energy Investment 2024.

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After hits like Reddit and Scopley, Collaborative Fund easily raised a $125M fund to tackle climate, health and food

TechCrunch: Climate

“We were motivated to fundraise because we think the ’24 vintage is going to be a good one,” founder Craig Shapiro said. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

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UAE’s ADDED Partners With Broaden Energy to Establish $272.2 Million Hydrogen Manufacturing Hub in Abu Dhabi


The new investment will create new job opportunities and stimulate economic development through innovative industrial solutions. The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) has partnered with Broaden Energy to launch the.

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EBRD, Goldbeck Solar to develop 500MW solar PV in Ukraine

PV Tech

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has formed a joint venture with German energy company Goldbeck Solar Investment to develop up to 500MW of solar PV in Ukraine.

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Dutton confirms nuclear push and climate denial go hand in hand: The pretence has gone

Renew Economy

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has confirmed that his Coalition's push for nuclear energy is inextricably linked with his party's implacable denial of climate science. The post Dutton confirms nuclear push and climate denial go hand in hand: The pretence has gone appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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This coal-heavy rural co-op utility is buying its first solar plants

Canary Media

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, one of the largest rural cooperative utilities in the U.S., is bringing the energy transition home to its massive western service territory.

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Orsted’s Co-located Helena Energy Center Commences Operation

Solar Industry

Ørsted marked the official commencement of its 518 MW Helena Energy Center, a co-located wind and solar facility in Bee County, Texas. The center’s Helena Wind Farm is expected to generate 268 MW, while its Sparta Solar is set to generate 250 MW. The project spans 18,000 acres and includes 40 participating landowners “We deeply appreciate the collaboration with Bee County leadership, community members and landowners, without whom this project would not be possible,” says Ørsted’s Tre

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Germany Launches “Projekt Hydax” to Innovate Hydrogen and Hydrides Transportation Technologies


Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has unveiled a new initiative aimed at pioneering advancements in hydrogen and hydrides transportation technologies. The tender, titled “Projekt Hydax –.

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RWE begins construction on 150MW Illinois PV plant

PV Tech

German utility RWE has begun construction of a 150MW solar PV project in Illinois, US, marking its entry into the state’s solar market.

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Dutton’s dumping of climate target would be a disaster for power prices, families and business

Renew Economy

It appears some people have learned absolutely nothing from 20 years of climate wars. The post Dutton’s dumping of climate target would be a disaster for power prices, families and business appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Long-awaited offshore wind hub breaks ground in Brooklyn

Canary Media

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Elizabeth Yeampierre stood near the edge of the Brooklyn waterfront earlier this week. A vast concrete lot stretched out before her, riddled with weeds and rain puddles, as the Manhattan skyline sparkled in the distance.

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Fluence/TransnetBW Grid Booster breaks ground; EU funds LEAG’s hydrogen & flow battery project in Germany

Energy Storage News

A double-header of big news from Germany, with construction starting on a 'Grid Booster' BESS from TransnetBW and Fluence and the EU putting €58 million towards a project that will combine green hydrogen and iron flow battery storage at scale.

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Everfuel Submits Project Proposal for Large H2 Production Project, Uniquely Positioned for the Coming Danish-German H2 Pipeline


Herning, Denmark–Everfuel A/S is pleased to announce that it has submitted a project proposal for the phased development of up to 2 GW green hydrogen production capacity at the Revsing.

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Siemens Gamesa Reportedly Developing 21-MW Offshore Wind Turbine

POWER Magazine

The global race to build ever-larger offshore wind turbines may have another entrant, as Siemens Gamesa has reportedly told customers the company plans to produce a 21-MW model in the […] The post Siemens Gamesa Reportedly Developing 21-MW Offshore Wind Turbine appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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World-first 18MW wind turbine installed in China

Renew Economy

Battle to build, install, and operate the world’s largest wind turbines has seen another record fall after the installation of an 18MW behemoth in China. The post World-first 18MW wind turbine installed in China appeared first on RenewEconomy.