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Inspiring Eco homes

The Environmental Blog

Greywater collection. However, the interior design of your home can also be connected to nature through natural materials. Oak, timber, organic paint and recycled materials are great ways to incorporate the environment inside your home as well. Rainwater harvesting. Composting toilet. LED lighting.

Greywater 326
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How Golf Courses are Becoming More Eco-Friendly

The Environmental Blog

Using Recycled Materials. Newly planned and existing golf clubs have opted for composite materials when building or upgrading their grounds. Manufacturers such as Kafka Granite not only supply recycled materials for golf clubs but practice sustainability within their manufacturing processes too.

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Daily Eco-friendly Practices: Saving the Environment while Cutting Costs

The Environmental Blog

Start by choosing products with minimal packaging or those packaged in recyclable materials. Greywater Recycling Systems Description: Systems that recycle water from sinks, showers, and washing machines for use in irrigation or toilet flushing. For home parties or picnics, opt for compostable plates and utensils.