Sat.May 04, 2024 - Fri.May 10, 2024

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Corporations buy into sustainable fuel certificates to address air travel emissions


More companies are purchasing certificates to offset their Scope 3 emissions, a tactic that critics see as a potential new landscape for greenwashing.

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Colorado Legislative Roundup: 2024

NRDC onEarth

This legislative session, Colorado once again solidified its place as a climate leader by taking on new and innovative approaches to reduce emissions and protect the environment.


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“Gas shortage? Yeah, nah.” A Fact Check on Labor’s fossil gas future strategy

Renew Economy

Federal resources minister Madeleine King says “evidence and data” underpin the Albanese government's Future Gas Strategy. Experts in gas markets and climate disagree. The post “Gas shortage? Yeah, nah.” A Fact Check on Labor’s fossil gas future strategy appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Making batteries takes lots of lithium: Almost half of it could come from Pennsylvania wastewater


Most batteries used in technology like smartwatches and electric cars are made with lithium that travels across the world before even getting to manufacturers. But what if nearly half of the lithium used in the U.S. could come from Pennsylvania wastewater?

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Here's the timeline for SBTi’s corporate net-zero update


The standards-setting organization plans to address stakeholder feedback, including updates to climate science and challenges related to Scope 3 target setting.

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Unveiling Big Oil's Campaign of Lies

NRDC onEarth

An explosive hearing held by the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget has unveiled more details of Big Oil’s campaign to block climate action.


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Batteries are taking on gas plants to power California's nights

Canary Media

California spent the last decade building up a massive fleet of batteries to help clean up its electrical grid. This spring, those storage plants passed a major threshold, and now are visibly reshaping the state’s power grid — just as clean energy advocates said they would.

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28 courses to boost your ESG, sustainable finance skills


Whether you want to learn how to make more sustainable investment choices or improve your company’s ESG performance, these 28 courses can help.

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BP and Shell ‘Shaped’ UK Carbon Tax Proposals, Private Emails Show


Fossil fuel giants BP and Shell were given “ample opportunity” to privately influence proposals for taxing oil and gas companies that were later backed by the government, new documents reveal. Internal BP emails show that its UK executives were reassured by a controversial oil industry group that they could “shape [the] internal thinking” of a 2018 report on carbon taxes produced by the right-wing think tank Policy Exchange.

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Labor caves in to fossil fuel cartel as it locks in gas beyond 2050 amid deepening climate crisis

Renew Economy

On the same day that scientists warned of a deepening climate catastrophe, Labor declares gas is good and announces a plan to "lock it in" beyond 2050. The post Labor caves in to fossil fuel cartel as it locks in gas beyond 2050 amid deepening climate crisis appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Electrofuels Are the Future: The Driving Force to Decarbonizing Heavy Transport

Speaker: Ayesha Choudhury - Senior Vice President, Head of Capital Markets at Infinium

With the first wave of the energy transition, renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) have begun replacing coal power generation. However, some sectors are lagging behind and struggling to decarbonize more than others, including large-scale transportation like commercial aviation, shipping, and rail transit. Electrofuels (aka eFuels) are the next generation of solutions to help the hardest-to-abate sectors pivot from their reliance on fossil fuels.

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Chart: Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023

Canary Media

For the first year ever, renewable energy sources generated 30 percent of the globe’s electricity in 2023 — driven by a decade of consistent, spectacular growth in solar and wind power.

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Ikea is guiding its customers toward sustainable consumption. Here’s how


The giant furniture retailer is using its procurement clout and in-store promotions to nudge millions of customers toward lower-emissions products.

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Solaris at Next Mobility 2024 in Milan Presents a Hydrogen Bus


During the international trade fair Next Mobility, taking place from May 8-10 in Milan, Solaris Bus & Coach is showcasing the Urbino 12 hydrogen bus. Public transport operators are increasingly opting for hydrogen technology, and the model on display is currently.

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Big batteries smash records in biggest oil and gas state in US

Renew Economy

Battery storage smashes output records in biggest oil and gas state in US, while milestones continue to tumble in California. The post Big batteries smash records in biggest oil and gas state in US appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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AR/VR Simulations for Sustainable, Regenerative, Circular Cities

Speaker: Nik Gowing, Brenda Laurel, Sheridan Tatsuno, Archie Kasnet, and Bruce Armstrong Taylor

With 191 country signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement now hard at work in the race to zero carbon by 2050, much of the heavy lifting in ecosystem sustainability falls on the shoulders of the world's densely populated urban centers. This conversation considers how today's AI-enabled simulation media, such as AR/VR, can be effectively applied to accelerate learning, understanding, training, and solutions-modeling to sustainability planning and design.

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Andrew Coyne Helped Run Charity That Gave $6.4M to Climate Crisis Denial Groups


One of Canada’s top political journalists and pundits served on the board of a foundation that gave $6.4 million to national groups denying climate change is a crisis, according to federal tax data reviewed by DeSmog. Records from the Canada Revenue Agency show that Andrew Coyne , currently a columnist at Canada’s national newspaper of record, the Globe and Mail, spent a decade as a director at the Toronto-based Aurea Foundation.

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6 ways banks can drive EV adoption — and grab a big slice of the growing industry pie


Accelerating the growth of the electric vehicle market requires capital to fund manufacturing, infrastructure and innovation.

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Vermont is on the cusp of mandating 100% clean electricity by 2035

Canary Media

Vermont state lawmakers just passed a measure that would require all utilities to provide 100 percent clean energy by 2035. The bill would put the state on track to be among the first to fully decarbonize, outpaced only by Rhode Island, which requires utilities to provide all-renewable power by 2033.

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Queensland quadruples size of Stanwell Tesla battery to make it biggest in the state

Renew Economy

Queensland quadruples storage capacity of Stanwell battery to make it the biggest in the state as it seeks to lock in renewable transition. The post Queensland quadruples size of Stanwell Tesla battery to make it biggest in the state appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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How Digital Transformation will Bend the Curve of the Linear Economy Toward the Circular

Speaker: Bruce Armstrong Taylor, Co-Founder & Managing Director of SmartNations Foundation, Jimmy Jia, Venture Partner at Pi Labs, Fabienne Durand, Senior Advisor to the SmartNations Foundation, & Roger Strukhoff, Executive Director of the Tau Institute

The Climate 4.0 Economy. Climate change is here. We see it in many ways already. Weather catastrophes: Texas freezing over, the wildfires of California, the increasingly unpredictable violence and frequency of hurricanes, the rapid melting and disappearance of polar ice caps. Much more evidence all around us. What can we do in our corporate organizations, in our homes and communities, to change the current course?

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ITM Launches NEPTUNE V: A Cutting-Edge 5MW PEM Electrolyser Plant Priced at £4.35 Million


ITM Power has launched the NEPTUNE V, a 5MW containerized PEM electrolyser, priced at GBP 4,350,000, designed to meet the high demand in mid-size green hydrogen projects. The plant, boasting.

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Tailwinds build for sustainable aviation fuel


As the aviation industry lobbies for sustainable jet fuel, new tax breaks could help lower the carbon footprint of business travel.

Aviation 470
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Here’s where the Biden admin wants to build new power lines — ASAP

Canary Media

The Biden administration has unveiled its latest effort to expand the country's overburdened power grid: identifying 10 swaths of the country where it plans to wield a never-before-used federal authority to fast-track and fund major transmission grid projects. On Wednesday, the U.S.

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How long does it take to build a nuclear reactor? We ask France

Renew Economy

French regulators finally give permission to fuel up the country's first nuclear plant in decades, some 12 year late and more than four times over budget. The post How long does it take to build a nuclear reactor? We ask France appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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H2PowerBox Pty Ltd Launches Pioneering Hydrogen Power Solution


Scoresby, Victoria– In a significant advancement for renewable energy technology, H2PowerBox Pty Ltd is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary H2PowerBox. This innovative product was unveiled in the.

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KFC’s recipe for cutting restaurant emissions by 46%


Decarbonization measures including optimizing exhaust hoods and food warming equipment will be required for new and existing franchisees.

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Ofcom Refuses to Investigate GB News Over Climate Conspiracy Theories


The broadcasting regulator Ofcom will not be opening an investigation into GB News after one of its guests spread misinformation about climate action, DeSmog can reveal. Appearing on the Neil Oliver Show on 14 April, journalist Jasmine Birtles made a series of outlandish claims about climate action leading to mass deaths. She claimed a “depopulation agenda” exists that seeks to “remove seven and a half billion people from the world”.

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Battery storage is dramatically reshaping the California grid, and finally moving it away from gas

Renew Economy

Big batteries are reshaping the California grid, allowing more solar, less gas, and turning an ugly solar duck curve into the intended swan. The post Battery storage is dramatically reshaping the California grid, and finally moving it away from gas appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Hazer and FortisBC Advance With $160M Hydrogen Facility in Canada


Hazer Group Ltd and FortisBC Energy Inc. have signed a binding Project Development Agreement to develop a 2,500 TPA commercial hydrogen facility in Canada, leveraging Hazer’s innovative low-carbon technology. FortisBC.

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Business should take these 3 actions to bolster the global plastics treaty


Fresh from the treaty talks in Ottawa, two new reports outline a path forward in the fight against plastic pollution.

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Scientists convert chicken fat into energy storage devices


The global move toward more sustainable, green energy has increased power reserves and the demand for energy storage devices. Unfortunately, some materials for these devices can be expensive and environmentally problematic. Producing alternative energy storage devices from things that are usually thrown away could help resolve these challenges.

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Energy giants burst market limits as 3GW of coal goes missing, and consumers pay the price

Renew Economy

Energy utilities push NSW prices to the market limit after more than 3GW of unplanned coal outages, even though there was no risk of a shortfall. The post Energy giants burst market limits as 3GW of coal goes missing, and consumers pay the price appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Nikola Expands Hydrogen Network with Inauguration of Second HYLA Refueling Station in Southern California


New Long Beach station advances Nikola’s commitment to sustainable transportation solutions. PHOENIX — Nikola Corporation (Nasdaq: NKLA), a global leader in zero-emissions transportation and energy supply and infrastructure solutions, via the HYLA brand, proudly.

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Biomass, captured carbon and plastic waste can help 'defossilize' chemicals, report says


Policy briefing sets out how industry can move away from fossil fuel feedstocks and embrace low carbon and sustainable alternatives

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Forest Carbon Diligence: Breaking Down the Validation and Intercomparison Report

Planet Pulse

Mapping trees from space is a technically challenging endeavor. It may seem straightforward at times — what’s so hard about counting all those round green things in satellite images? It may also seem like a solved problem, since the foundations of forest monitoring were established in the 1980s. But like the history of most technologies, the story of mapping forests from space is the story of uncovering layer after layer of complexity in the patterns we find.

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