Huhtamaki partners with RiverRecycle and VTT.

All to tackle floating river waste with a new river waste collector now operational.  Located on the Mithi River and directly in Mumbai, India.  It’s obvious that Huhtamaki is in.  For they are a key global provider of sustainable packaging solutions. I mean for consumers around the world and they have donated €600,000,  That money was used to fund the development and piloting of the river waste collector.  So the one that was also invented by the Finnish cleantech start-up RiverRecycle. The collector is now an integral part of RiverRecycle’s solution.

Finally to solve marine waste.  Most noteworthy and now one of the biggest global challenges of today.

With Huhtamaki’s support, a prototype waste collector was built and tested in Finland. This was then transported to and assembled in Mumbai.  All where it is now operational and where it will be collecting waste from the Mithi River for the next 12 months.

Huhtamaki partners with RiverRecycle and VTT to develop technology to tackle floating river waste. New technology river waste collector now operational on the Mithi River in Mumbai, India

The Mithi River project is run by a global partnership between UNTIL (now known as UN Global Pulse) plus Partners

So I learned that this partnership is also with a group I have covered before.  For they are VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.  In addition, RiverRecycle and Earth5R.  Most interestingly, Earth5R is an India-based citizen-led environmental movement.

In addition to building, setting up and operating the river cleaner for a year Huhtamaki’s helps.

For their donation has been used to organize local hands-on workshops.  All on effective waste management and recycling.  Moreover with a view to drive systemic change. The project also provides input to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.  All on the floating waste.  As well as the seasonal variations that can be used.  All to optimize clean-up operations and recycling processes for the future.

Huhtamaki’s ambition is to have 100% of its products designed to be recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2030.

In conclusion and in India, Huhtamaki has 16 units. For they manufacture mainly high-quality flexible packaging that protect food.  That’s as well as pharmaceuticals and also personal and home care products.  Therefore the Company has already several recyclable flexible packaging structures.  Especially in the market under its Huhtamaki blueloop concept. So Huhtamaki is contributing to the building of necessary recycling infrastructure.  For example and by setting up a pilot recycling plant for flexible packaging in India.  One which should also be operational by the end of 2021.

For as they report, that in 2021 this a river-based collection unit .

It was established to immediately halt and collect the flow of plastic.  All that would directly flow into the Indian Ocean.  All from the Mithi river in Mumbai.

Also a chemical recycling facility is being reused.  All to create value from plastic waste.

I mean value or an asset that would otherwise end up in the environment.

For in America alone I have written:

Did you know that Americans create 254 million tons of waste each year.  I mean that’s $7 billion worth of that waste is recyclable material.  All which ends up in landfills because of improper disposal? Do you remember when we were told not to recycle the caps to plastic bottles? Many people still think it’s not good to do that, yet, it’s actually one of the most common recycling mistakes we make nowadays.

% Green Living Guru%Electric Care Expert

Shoutout to Little Darling Productions for taking this photo for me!  What a professional crew  OMG!

There are many things we can do to better our recycling efforts. So one of the first steps to doing something better is to understand what you’re doing incorrectly.

Moreover, the project provides training in waste separation.  Most interestingly will also facilitate further increased waste separation.  Especially at source from households of 5,000 residents.  All in Kurla and also in surrounding areas. As well, the Mink River transverses many lakes through suburban areas.  Then I heard it passed by their airport into the city so that pollution opportunities are endless.

Marine Plastic Oceans

Our marine environments are accumulating more plastic than ever before.  I mean and in fact, between 4 and 12 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year. Marine plastic pollution has impacted at least 267 species worldwide. That’s including 86-percent of all sea turtle species. As well as 44-percent of all seabird species and 43-percent of all marine mammal species. So marine mammals and seabirds are being injured and killed by plastic pollution. That’s again as a result of ingestion, starvation, suffocation, infection, drowning, and entanglement.

The news is devastating, but change is within our reach.

By eliminating plastic products that you typically use once and then toss away. Furthermore and replacing them with reusable items is the trick. Then you can help reduce the amount of plastic.  Plastic that ultimately ends up in our oceans. Therefore, the simplest way is to refuse any single-use plastics that you do not need. That’s such as:

  1. straws
  2. plastic bags
  3. take-out utensils
  4. containers
  5. buy (and carry with you) reusable grocery bags
  6. produce bags
  7. bottles
  8. utensils
  9. coffee cups and more.


Finally and as reported by RiverRecycle, this device is able to capture up to 50 tons of waste daily. The system includes a sorting station for waste segregation facilities.  All available to the local community. Part of the recycled waste revenues will be used to sustain the process.  Thereby enabling RiverRecycle to provide river cleaning as a free service for the hosting community.

For more information and materials on the Mithi River project, please visit:

Source: Huhtamaki and Lokmat

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