Environmental trends are becoming popular globally as people are appreciating the importance of taking care of the planet. Recycling and reducing waste are the major focus of the green initiatives in many industries. 

The waste and recycling industry has had to make adjustments to the gaps encountered in 2019. Industry associations are making efforts to engage in productive efforts such as holding sustainable events, developing a workforce, debunking inaccuracies, among others. Here are some waste and recycling trends to watch in 2020.

Environmental trends are becoming popular globally as people are appreciating the importance of taking care of the planet. Recycling and reducing waste are the major focus of the green initiatives in many industries.  The waste and recycling industry has had to make adjustments to the gaps encountered in 2019. Industry associations are making efforts to engage in productive efforts such as holding sustainable events, developing a workforce, debunking inaccuracies, among others. Here are some waste and recycling trends to watch in 2020.
Pile of waste

Sustainability issues

Businesses can engage in restructuring and changing their names to reorganize their internal resources. They can build sustainability services that they offer to their customers to enable them to use water, power, and waste. 

As per a paper writing services review, companies are focused on encouraging customers to buy renewable sources instead of using other fossil fuels. Such efforts may enable clients to drive and meet their sustainability objectives faster and integrate several business units in one. Therefore, 2020 will be critical to businesses with 5-year set goal plans. 

dissertation writing help mentions further that some clients have expressed their desire to have zero waste in the next four years, and so what they need is support. Business goals will need to align with real-world solutions. Businesses can focus on resource reduction and efficiency to meet sustainability goals.

A holistic perspective on waste and recycling is critical to achieve sustainable waste management. So are measures to reduce waste to increase recovery. Recycled material can help to save energy and lead to lower emissions.

Development of workforce

Workforce development continues to be a great challenge in the waste and recycling industry. In some cities, the fleet management department is facing maintenance challenges.  All due to labor shortages. Some aging tracks need repairs.  However the technicians are not enough to fix them. As a result, recycling bins are full.  Moreover and sometimes they remain out there for days.

According to an assignment help, the aspect of workforce development is a major concern for many people. Haulers are making efforts to provide information necessary for hiring and retaining the workforce. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) is responsible for promoting sustainable recycling through advocacy and networking. 

One of ISRI priorities is to collaborate with various companies to bring in.  As well as engage and retain next-generation workers. In addition, ISRI is also considering providing additional networking opportunities.  Especially for minorities in the industry. The institute is collaborating with community colleges.  All for the workers’ apprenticeship training programs.

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) leaders hold long-term leadership positions and are retiring in 2020. Young professionals may be engaged to oversee the solid waste industry. 

Debunking inaccuracies

The waste and recycling industry needs to focus attention on credible information. EREF, as a scientific research foundation, oversees the correctness and accuracy of the information that spreads via social media. 

One of the top goals of the Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF) is to dispel inaccuracies that can spread fast through social media. It funds and directs scientific research for waste management practices. To achieve its objectives, it issues unbiased reports regarding waste management practices. 

Situations where information that is not backed by scientific truth is spreading on social media. People can easily spread information online. However, the problem arises where someone spreads incomplete or inaccurate information. It may be time-consuming to try and correct information that has already caused some damage. 

The economic health and regulatory practices

The overall economic health is an important issue to look out for in 2020. The industry is also focusing on specific legislative and regulatory aspects. Later in the year, there could be an economic cooldown and this may significantly affect the industry. There are geopolitical happenings because 2020 is a year of elections, representing a lot of uncertainty regarding the economy. 

Economic health is expected to affect waste and recyclables in the country. Furthermore, local governments and solid waste owners who are focused on the health of this industry should monitor the gross domestic product (GDP) to establish if the United States will experience growth for eleven consecutive years. 

When it comes to the 2020 legislation, NWRA has been working.  All to see whether tax extenders can be renewed after expiry in 2017. NWRA has also been focusing on the federal infrastructural bill.  Because for infrastructure measures and surface transportation that can enhance domestic recycling. 

In 2019, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) granted NWRA hours of service exemption. The implications of this exemption are something to keep an eye on in 2020. The waste and recycling industry will continue to monitor move-over laws.  FInally and establish whether measures will extend to the vulnerable road workers as well.

 For purposes of recycling, the federal government may not engage in much regulatory activity. Congress may pass the Recycling Enhancements to Collection and Yield.  All through Consumer Learning and Education (RECYCLE).  In addition, or the Realizing the Economic Opportunities and Value of Expanding Recycling (RECOVER).  

Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions have also been paramount.  Especially over the last few years. The expected merger in 2020 is the Acquisition of Advanced Disposal (ADS). Acquisitions have major effects in the waste and recycling industry. That’s for hauler and equipment manufacturers. ADS’ stockholders agreed to merge with waste management in 2019. 

The acquisition is expected to lead to a divesture of solid waste equipment. For that’s including disposal equipment and collection facilities.  All which may create opportunities for business growth. If the Democrats win the elections later in the year, this may lead to an increase in federal income tax and capital gains.  I hear that will be fueling more deals. 


The future of the waste and recycling industry is unknown.  However, it can be estimated with some level of accuracy. The developments made in 2019 may be fully implemented in 2020. You need to watch sustainability issues and workforce deployment unfolding. Additionally, check the removal of inaccuracies in information sharing.  As well as regulatory practices, and mergers. The technological advancements regarding waste management may change the waste management business greatly. 

Author Bio:

Jessica Chapman is an essay paper writer and editor from Chicago and works for a fast essay writing service in a senior position. She loves writing and regularly shares valuable writing tips and advice with her student audience through podcasts and blogs. The blogging niche that interest her most are sports, politics and travel. 

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