As the planet heats up, severe weather events become more frequent and powerful, sea levels rise, food crops suffer from extended droughts, and many animal and plant species face extinction. It’s difficult to envision what we, as individuals, can do to address an issue of this magnitude and severity. Whether or not you’re marching this week, there are daily actions you can take to aid in the battle against climate change. Begin with the following five:

1. Manage Water Efficiently

Reduce your shower time by around 4 minutes every day to save nearly 13,000 liters of water per year. Not only would you be conserving water, but you would also be helping the environment. You would be saving energy by not heating the water. Additionally, you may turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth and refrain from using the toilet as a trash can since this would result in spilling 8 liters of pure water.

Food prices have risen by about 2.6 percent per year over the last two decades, and the USDA predicts that this trend will continue. While there are several factors contributing to rising food costs, climate change is a significant one. Extreme weather affects animals and crops, and droughts may affect food price stability and stability. Farmers in New York, for example, are confronted with warmer winters and harsher weather, which may obliterate crops. They attempt to save their apples by installing new irrigation systems and wind turbines that circulate warm air during cold periods. Still, these additional expenditures will ultimately be reflected in the price of apples.

2. Take an Active Role in the Democratic Process to Fight Climate Change

Climate change has local, national, and global impacts. While the typical individual is not accountable for nation-building, we are accountable for those who do. Vote for a climate activist, support comprehensive climate policy and communicate your concerns to politicians via your citizen’s voice. The outcome of the forthcoming elections will significantly impact how Americans and their political officials respond to catastrophic climate change.

3. Adopt a Climate-Friendly Diet Rich in Plant-Based Proteins

Reduced consumption of red meat benefits the environment since animals like cows emit methane, a greenhouse gas, and use a lot of land and feed. Additionally, the growth of cattle ranches is the primary cause of deforestation in the Amazon, one of the world’s most vital tropical ecosystems. Proteins derived from plants, such as legumes and nuts, are delectable and may provide nourishment at a far reduced environmental cost. You can also actively support the climate change investment research with your funds or even through volunteering.

4. Initiate a Discourse about Climate Change

Solving climate change will need collaboration from all of us. We can’t do it unless we first find common ground with people who don’t agree with us.

Because people often place more faith in peers, family members, and loved ones than in experts, scientists, and environmental groups, you can communicate with people about climate change in ways that we cannot. You have a greater chance of changing people’s thoughts.

Warmer temperatures lengthen the pollen season and degrade air quality, which may increase allergy and asthma episodes. Ground-level ozone, a significant component of smog that rises as temperatures rise, may also induce coughing, chest tightness or discomfort, impair lung function, and aggravate asthma and other chronic lung disorders. Additionally, after floods or storms, moist structures may stimulate mold development related to allergies and other respiratory disorders.

5. Buy Locally and Sustainably

Purchase local and seasonal foods to help lessen your food’s carbon impact. You’ll be assisting local small businesses and farmers while lowering fossil fuel emissions connected to transportation and cold chain storage. Sustainable agriculture consumes up to 56% less energy, produces 64% fewer emissions, and supports higher levels of biodiversity than conventional agriculture. Consider taking it further and cultivating your fruits, veggies, and herbs. They are suitable for planting in a garden, a balcony, or even on a window sill. Establish a communal garden in your neighborhood to engage others.

Climate change impacts everyone, yet the extent to which it affects each nation varies. Learning about how young people in various locations are coping with climate change helps us establish a global perspective on the problem and aids in the development of global solutions. You may use social media to raise awareness about climate change and highlight how you’re assisting in the solution’s development.

Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations. Maggie also suggests that everyone should participate in climate change investment research to educate themselves on the topic of climate change and how it is affecting the world. 

Author bio: Maggie Bloom graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations. If you are into video editing and you are looking into how to remove audio from video, Maggie recommends Invideo.

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