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How Nuclear Enabled Hydrogen (NEH) Will Save The Planet

Colin Megson's picture
Design Engineer [retired], Private Enquiry
  • Member since 2015
  • 44 items added with 4,512 views
  • Jun 30, 2023

And save trillions of wasted $s per year & millions of premature deaths per year that are a direct result of burning fossil fuels (FFs):

“…The unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide originate mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. In 2018, air pollution from fossil fuels caused $2.9 trillion in health and economic costs, about $8 billion a day…”

”…These researchers study the impact of burning fossil fuels in particular. They find that the death toll from burning fossil fuels – in power generation, transportation and industry – 3.6 million premature deaths annually…”

Do we really need to enter the battleground of the climate change debate when pollution-free energy technologies exist to entirely replace the burning of fossil fuels (FFs)?

For the hoped-for, upcoming ‘Energy Transition’ to materialise, the pop-song rendered by politicians, energy ‘experts’ and the investment community is:
‘We need all of them’ - wind; solar; batteries; nuclear; geothermal; biomass; etc.; etc..

The mainstays of most of the 130 Countries, 146 Regions, 249 Cities and 918 Companies committed to ‘Net Zero’ are wind, solar and batteries. But the numbers bandied about by proponents of these technologies [renewables] are mind blowing and need to be recognised now as delusional.

Thanks for reading SMRs & greenH2 for a FF-free World! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.


Using impeccable data sources and with no axe to grind, Mark P Mills shows wind, solar and battery worldwide demands will be broken on the wheel of the ‘mining & refining’ of critical minerals. In particular, a ‘Copper Crunch’ may become apparent in the next 2 or 3 years.

Copper is already showing a 1/3rd increase over the average prices for the last 15 years or so - and that 15 years average is some 280% higher than previous decades, which might be reasonably explained by the increased energy demand and the move to renewables, battery storage and BEVs over the past 15 years.



The Conclusion: Only [Advanced] Nuclear Power, in the form of small modular reactors (SMRs) (financed from commercial money markets with trillions of dollars of investment available) stands any chance of ridding the world of the cost in $s/lives from the burning of FFs.

So all electricity generation will surely be from Gen III+ SMRs

But where does NEH fit in?

On social media platforms there are many [energy-expert] naysayers of ‘The Hydrogen Economy’ who refuse to accept that clean, pollution-free hydrogen is as fundamental as clean, pollution free electricity, to displacing polluting FF use, along with its attendant costs in monitory and life/health terms.

Robert Bryce: who believes the H stands for Hype

Mark Nelson: on record as saying "hydrogen is a mess..........hydrogen is just an ugly thing..."

Paul Martin, a chemical engineer with decades of experience in the hydrogen industry, calls hydrogen ‘hopium’ and believes hydrogen is a fuel of the future - like nuclear fusion (always 50 years away)

In the face of such experienced opposition, why should NEH make all the difference?

A ‘complete’ pollution-free electricity grid, capable of diurnal and seasonal load following is possible for these reasons:

1) SMRs combined with proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers can load follow diurnal grid demand. The SMR operates at 100% availability, which is the perfect technological and financial mode of operation for a nuclear power plant (NPP). PEM electrolysers have a sub-second demand response for both turn off and turn on, with no detrimental effect.

2) Operators of combined SMR/PEM electrolysers get the first revenue stream from supplying grid electricity. When demand falls, switching to a second revenue stream, NEH production, happens in milliseconds.

3) Then, 2 other revenue streams apply: “…This qualifies…PEM…electrolyser systems for frequency response services more demanding than the existing primary grid balancing payment structure and has the potential to command higher availability payments…”

4) The NEH could be sold profitably at prevailing market prices because of the other 3 income streams.

5) Seasonal load following will be achieved by carefully planned plant outages for refuelling and maintenance.

Other imperatives must also apply to a safe and cost effective ‘Hydrogen Economy’

1) The vast majority of NEH produced must be fed into a piped gas network, since transporting gaseous/liquid hydrogen is completely non-viable unless ‘peculiar’ market conditions exist.

2) NEH is piped to the point of use for compression, liquefaction, etc., depending on market demands.

3) The ‘energy’ flow rate for NEH within a given pipe size and at the same pressure is only 20% less then that for natural gas (NG)

4) A typical gas network may well have enough storage to eliminate the need for any other form of storage, including pumped storage, and - even hydropower could be consigned to the dustbin of history.

5) NEH can never be used in premises, etc., where hydrogen industry regulations - flame proof electrics; ventilation; leak detection; etc; - are not feasible.

6) Use in domestic, commercial, etc., premises for heating and hot water is out of the question. Apart from the dangers, heat pumps are so much more cost effective requiring 3 to 4 times less electricity generation and infrastructure to supply the same amount of energy.

7) All transport will be fuelled by NEH [and possible synfuel derivatives] and, because of the real-world limitations on the mining/refining of critical minerals, iron/steel-based internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) will displace both battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs)

8) Vehicle ownership will not be just for the rich. The cost of NEH-powered ICEVs will be the same as FF-powered ICEVs; a thriving second hand market exists; a whole-of-life infrastructure is in place.

9) Aircraft design need not require reconfiguration of airports for NEH-powered jet aircraft. In fact design issues are less for long-haul aircraft than for medium range, etc., aircraft

Apart from PEM electrolysers producing NEH in ‘cleaning up’ electricity, many dedicated SMRs will be needed to manufacture the huge volumes of NEH to ‘clean up’ all other sectors.

Much more efficient than PEM electrolysis is high temperature solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) technology, although it does not have the capability to load follow.

When powered by steam at 850°C from a NPP (which can be currently operating light water reactors - LWRs), an SOEC produces NEH at a rate that is a 47% greater than PEM electrolysis:
2026 target for PEM electrolysis 51 kWh/kg H2 (~19 kg/MWh)
2026 Target for SOEC electrolysis 36 kWh/kg H2 (~28 kg/MWh)

For more than a decade, UK wholesale electricity prices averaged ~£50/MWh and, after averaging ~£200/MWh for the past 2 years, it is now stands at ~£85/MWh. It may well return to that £50/MWh in the not too distant future, when earnings from NEH production at £2/kg would be on a par with earnings from electricity sales.

Next: The cost of powering the UK with SMRs & NEH is 2X better than a zero-sum-game!

Then: Expanding the quantities and costs from the 67 million UK population to the 4,307 million, comfortably ‘energised’ [2019] urban population will indicate the feasibility and cost of creating a world that will ultimately be free of FF pollution.

Thanks for reading SMRs & greenH2 for a FF-free World! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Julian Jackson's picture
Julian Jackson on Jul 14, 2023

This is a thought-provoking post: thanks for putting it up. However I have some issues with it.  Firstly Small Modular Nuclear is - as yet - untested technology not available at scale.  It's going to be a decade or more before any are deployed in significant numbers. Hydrogen is the smallest atom and prone to leakage: so is this really viable? In the UK most  people use natural (fossil) gas for heating and I can't see that changing rapidly.  So there are practicality constraints on this plan.

Colin Megson's picture
Colin Megson on Jul 20, 2023

GE-Hitachi commissioned their 50th boiling water reactor (BWR) in the 1980s; they've been designing and manufacturing nuclear power plants (NPPs) for 60 years - back in the 'slide-rule' days. They spent $2 billion licencing their 1500 MW ESBWR and got 1 order which was subsequently cancelled. They are on record stating small modular reactors (SMRs) are 'the future' of nuclear power. Their BWRX-300 [300 MW] SMR is the tenth [X] iteration of their BWR design; they have orders for ~20 of them from Canada, Estonia and Poland and are in the GBN competition in the UK. Site clearance has already begun on the OPG site in Canada and the 'Licence to Construct' is expected towards the end of 2024; "...that's when real hard construction starts...". The commercial operation date (COD) is 2028 - and it will happen.

Similarly, Rolls-Royce have been constructing small reactors for over 60 years for the UK's submarine fleet. In fact, I worked for the nuclear reactor 'arm' for 5 years in the 1960s (still with slide-rules in use). They plan for a COD of 2029 and, as a turnkey power station supplier, the are five-nines certain of orders from the UK government.

Both of these companies are as far away from start-ups, grubbing about for investment from commercial money markets, as it's possible to get. When it dawns on commercial money markets, with their $trillions in pension funds available, that the potential for earnings over the 60/80 years lifespans of SMRs is so much more profitable and secure than investing in subsidy-reliant wind and solar, it may be wind and solar built over the next decade may be the last we see of it in the UK.

Hydrogen leakage is sorted; in a nation's hydrogen economy, it is expensive to make and that in itself will ensure levels of leakage are microscopic. The existing hydrogen market is around 100 100 million tonner per year; the safety record is as sound, if not sounder, than other 'explosive' infrastructures. However, its use must be in environments capable of 'industrial levels' of control - leak detection; flame proof electrical equipment; building design for leakage escape; etc.. That's why it can never be used in domestic/commercial environments for heating and hot water. Apart from the safety issue, at least 3X more power stations/transmission/distribution would be needed to get the same energy into such premises as the heating/hot water that can be supplied by heat pumps. There's enough engineering nous in position to ensure, by 2040, the practicality and safety of the 53,000 km long European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB)

I place more store in the opinions of Mark P. Mills than any other 'energy guru'. He maintains the energy transition will not take place within the farcical timeframes 'imposed' by politicians because of minerals constraints: the 'Copper Crunch' and other critical mineral crunches.

I believe that too and that is why I envision SMRs, supplying both grid electricity and nuclear enabled hydrogen (NEH), is an Occam's Razor solution to ridding the UK (as a 'representative' advance nation) of the 'evils' of burning fossil fuels. It can be done by way of a iron/steel/concrete energy infrastructure that can dodge the copper/critical minerals crunches by also invoking hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines for most transport uses. Because of the energy density of nuclear fission, the power station numbers for a given level of generation will be lower than they have ever been and reduce the environmental impact to microscopic proportions.

In capital investment terms, it's not difficult to indicate an SMR/NEH-powered UK would only cost ½ as much as the savings from ridding the UK of the cost in billions of £s and millions of premature deaths/vile illnesses.

Colin Megson's picture
Thank Colin for the Post!
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