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Len Rosen's picture
Principal Author and Editor, 21st Century Tech Blog

Futurist, Writer and Researcher, now retired, former freelance writer for new technology ventures. Former President & CEO of Len Rosen Marketing Inc., a marketing consulting firm focused on...

  • Member since 2018
  • 259 items added with 221,581 views
  • May 2, 2022

Consumption of energy is an unequal game. North America, Asia, and Europe are disproportionately energy hogs. They consume most of the fossil fuels burned which is the cause of anthropogenic climate change. Our North American and European homes need to be heated in the winter and chilled in the summer. And then there are the technological gadgets that fill our homes and have us consuming more energy than all of Africa, South America, and Oceania combined.

That’s why energy conservation leading to reduced consumption and lower emissions is an important weapon in our arsenal to combat climate change. This means we need to look at the contributing factors to our energy-hog lifestyle. It means changing our behaviour.

Making lifestyle changes is easier if one can see the goal ahead. The problem with climate change is we likely cannot or will not see the results of our behavioural changes during our lifetimes. As a result, we walk slowly towards the change we need to make rather than run to embrace it.

Jenny Corry Smith's picture
Jenny Corry Smith on May 17, 2022

Changing individual behaviors with persuasion alone is difficult, which is why focusing on enacting policy that forces market change is a much more effective strategy. If inefficient options are not (as) readily available, people won't have to think twice about weighing price vs efficiency.

I think we can see change in our lifetime if we continue to target policymakers and manufacturers, keeping consumers in the loop but not relying on their actions.

Len Rosen's picture
Thank Len for the Post!
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