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What archaic law is hindering our migration to clean energy?

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Tony Paradiso's picture
Principal, E3

I provide consulting services primarily assisting renewable energy-related companies in areas such as strategic planning, marketing, and operations. I have helped bring to market numerous leading...

  • Member since 2023
  • 388 items added with 100,736 views
  • Jan 30, 2023

Ever heard of the Jones Act? I didn’t before I came across several articles on its impact to energy supply and offshore wind. The Jones Acts is a century old law that was designed to protect the maritime industry. The key words in that description are century old.

The law requires any goods transported between U.S. ports to be carried on domestically built and owned ships manned by American crews.

I get it - protectionism. Maybe necessary 100 years ago, but perhaps a rethinking is in order. That’s because the Jones Act is driving up energy prices by hindering the shipments of oil and natural gas. It is also impacting the movement of the resources required for offshore wind.

Challenges are being addressed piecemeal, but maybe it’s time to revisit a law that no longer applies to today’s realities.

Jim Stack's picture
Jim Stack on Feb 1, 2023

So why hasn't it been blocking imported Oil and Gas for years now? 

Off shore wind seems very different. If it is on American made cables from American wind turbines that should be ok. 

Has this actually been used as a modern day law?

Henry Craver's picture
Henry Craver on Feb 3, 2023

Interesting. As it stands, every ship carrying oil and gas to and from U.S.A. was built here? I know nothing about carrier ships ... are many types built elsewhere in the world? 

Tony Paradiso's picture
Thank Tony for the Post!
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