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Hydrogen Storage | Benelux 2030

image credit: Benelux
Charley Rattan's picture
Global Hydrogen Trainer & Advisor, Charley Rattan Associates

Charley Rattan, Upskilling, advising and informing the global energy transition. Charley heads Charley Rattan Associates, a team of seasoned trainers and advisors driving forwards the energy...

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  • Jul 24, 2023

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Hydrogen Storage  |  Benelux 2030

Recent geopolitical and energy market volatilities require us to drastically accelerate the clean energy transition and increase Europe's energy independence from fossil fuels. REPowerEU is the European Commission’s plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels by 2030.

Accordingly, amongst other measures, REPowerEU has announced an ambition to reach an additional 15 million tons (Mt) of renewable hydrogen on top of the 5.6 Mt foreseen under Fit for 55 plan, going beyond the targets of the EU’s hydrogen strategy. The REPowerEU sets a target of 10 million tons of domestic renewable hydrogen production and 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen imports by 2030.

sectoral training

Meeting these targets will require a rapid acceleration of the development of hydrogen demand market, production, infrastructure, storage facilities and import. Moreover, the supporting and facilitating policy and legislation need to be in place in no time otherwise meeting the targets cannot be realized.

Hydrogen Storage






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