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Enhancing Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure with Prognostics Health Monitoring

image credit: newchannel: CNBC
Aniket Kumar's picture
Product Manager, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Aniket is currently leading product management role and developing the next version of disruptive products for sustainability of multiple sectors and building success stories & new business...

  • Member since 2023
  • 56 items added with 23,346 views
  • Oct 2, 2023

The infrastructure supporting hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. However, unscheduled maintenance at hydrogen fueling stations has been a significant obstacle, hindering the widespread adoption of FCEVs. Researchers have identified a promising solution in the form of Prognostics Health Monitoring (PHM) models, which can revolutionize the way hydrogen stations operate and ensure a reliable fuel supply for consumers.

Challenges Faced by Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Hydrogen, as an eco-friendly vehicle fuel, has enormous potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. However, its availability is currently limited compared to the widespread availability of gasoline. This discrepancy is evident in the scarcity of hydrogen fueling stations, making it essential for FCEV drivers to have confidence in the availability of this fuel.

When hydrogen stations are forced to shut down for unscheduled maintenance, it not only inconveniences consumers but also raises doubts about the reliability of FCEVs. Motorists must have faith that they can refuel their vehicles consistently, just as gasoline car owners do. To meet these expectations, station operators face the dual challenge of repairing equipment promptly to meet consumer demands and addressing the root causes of failures to prevent future disruptions.

Number of hydrogen fueling stations for road vehicles worldwide as of 2022, by country

The Role of Prognostics Health Monitoring (PHM)

Prognostics Health Monitoring is an advanced predictive maintenance technique that can be a game-changer for hydrogen fueling stations. PHM involves the continuous monitoring of equipment and systems to detect early signs of wear, damage, or malfunction. By analyzing real-time data, PHM models can predict when maintenance is required, allowing station operators to schedule maintenance proactively, rather than reacting to unexpected breakdowns.

Benefits of PHM for Hydrogen Stations

  1. Reduced Downtime: PHM models help prevent unscheduled shutdowns by identifying potential issues before they lead to major failures. This reduction in downtime ensures that FCEV drivers have reliable access to hydrogen fuel.

  2. Cost Savings: Proactive maintenance is more cost-effective than emergency repairs. PHM allows station operators to address problems while they are still manageable, reducing repair costs and the need for expensive equipment replacements.

  3. Improved Customer Confidence: FCEV drivers can trust that hydrogen fuel will be consistently available, which can boost consumer confidence and drive increased adoption of FCEVs.

  4. Enhanced Reliability: Station operators can identify and address the root causes of failures, leading to improved overall system reliability and efficiency.

  5. Sustainability: By minimizing unplanned maintenance, PHM contributes to the sustainability of hydrogen as a clean fuel source, reducing waste and resource consumption.


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