As the climate crisis intensifies, businesses of every size have an important role to play in helping to protect life on earth. Here are some of the most effective ways that businesses can support sustainability and help save the planet.

Reduce Waste

Commercial waste production has been steadily increasing. Much of the staggering volume of waste that is overflowing from landfills and littering the ocean is produced by businesses rather than households. Businesses can produce less waste by recycling items. In addition, business managers should strive to use reusable materials in their day-to-day operations. Also, they can avoid throwing out unused inventory that does not have an indefinite shelf life by donating to those in need.

Reevaluating production output is another excellent way for businesses to prevent harm to the environment. After all, it is often not just the items themselves that result in waste but the production processes used to create them. Utilizing sales metrics enables businesses to optimize their output to meet consumer demand as closely as possible. Examining further levels of detail in these types of metrics can also give businesses good insight into how important eco-friendly products and initiatives are to their customer base.   

Support Leaders Fighting the Climate Crisis 

Saving the environment is a global concern that should have the attention of governments worldwide. Unfortunately, many leaders have been extremely remiss in responding to the gravity of the crisis. While this willful and reckless negligence has been going on for decades, the previous administration’s directives to rescind environmental regulations undid much of the progress that political leaders had fought hard to legislate over many years.

Businesses need to position themselves on the right side of what is arguably the most important issue in history. They must denounce any representative from a party that has actively sought to harm the environment for financial gain. In plain terms, this means that they should use their outreach platforms to speak out against policies and positions that they don’t agree with. When businesses refuse to support climate crisis deniers and other leaders who cannot work towards saving the environment, the public takes notice. Businesses’ efforts can be particularly effective when they unite in opposition.

Regardless of whether businesses operate in red or blue states, they must abstain from voicing support for leaders. That includes making contributions to candidates who are members of a party that has ignored or negated climate change. Instead, businesses can contribute to a party that has demonstrated a commitment to making meaningful change.

Embrace Renewable Energy

The way that companies power their operations is a chief concern when considering their environmental impact. Many power sources are derived from production facilities that continue to burn fossil fuels despite the deleterious consequences. Making the switch to renewable energy sources is a highly effective way for businesses to soften their carbon footprint. Utilizing solar power enables businesses to operate with dramatically less pollution. Also, it is a conspicuous demonstration to consumers that environmental ethics are deeply rooted in a business’s core mission and values.

Of course, investing in a new energy source is likely to involve some considerable investment. However, having that infrastructure in place can generate ongoing savings that last as long as a business continues to operate. In addition, it is worth noting that there may be some tax incentives that offset the cost. Some states have rebate programs to encourage businesses to be more energy-efficient and use renewable sources of electricity.  

Taking steps to help the environment is more than a matter of business ethics. Environmentally sound business practices help businesses to function and mitigate the effect that the crisis could have on their operations. Furthermore, as the crisis worsens, consumers across all sectors will collectively demand that businesses take action. Demonstrating environmental accountability is essential to good public relations. Moreover, lacking sustainability can result in competitors overshadowing your business.

Author: Finnegan Pierson

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