Croton Auto Park joins growing list of dealerships working to bring electric cars to Westchester County. They have a Chrysler Pacifica Plugin Hybrid ready to test drive. That’s in addition to the Sustainable Westchester EV Discount Program. That’s in addition our other Founding Dealerships Of Rivera Toyota and Nissan of New Rochelle.

Chrysler Pacifica plug-in hybrid Minivan
Chrysler Pacifica plug-in hybrid Minivan

Source: Instagram

As we mention at Sustainable Westchester: Local Westchester municipalities, businesses, institutions, residents, and students can participate in the Sustainable Westchester electric vehicle (EV) initiative. We can help you navigate the options, sift through available incentives, and determine a path forward that best meets your needs.

EV’s can do everything a gas powered car can do. Car lovers take note, EV’s are fun to drive, with a 0 to 60 m/h in 3.4 seconds or less. They are virtually silent and coast very easily. Most importantly, they are safe and make a big difference in the environment.

As I’ve written before:

It saves you money to run: Save more than $1,000 a year in fuel savings by driving electric. That’s as it costs as little as cents per mile.

Nissan of New Rochelle is SITTING ON NISSAN LEAF’S

You get government investment: When you choose an electric car, you can get up to $2,000 off the cost of the car with the NYS Rebate. You can also get up to $7,500 tax credit off the cost of a most electric cars. Also the home charging point rebate is up to $1,500.

Low maintenance: There’s less to go wrong than with traditional fossil fuel vehicles. In fact, EVs have around a 50% lower cost of maintenance.

Great performance: As well as being cheaper to run, electric cars are environmentally friendly with zero tailpipe emissions. Electric cars also benefit from instant torque for superior performance and acceleration, all with no engine noise for less stressful driving.

Zero emissions: The obvious one – you’re no longer contributing to air pollution. In fact, by driving an EV, you’re helping to reduce it.

Benefit in kind: Businesses can also benefit. Employees can take advantage of the low running costs of plug-in cars, but other benefits include reduced tax and an increased capital allowance up to 100% of vehicle cost.

We have exclusive discounts ready to be had today!

So we have discounts on the

If you have any questions, email me at To sign up, please go to Sustainable Westchester here.

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