Unfortunately, there are many people nowadays who are still entirely familiar with the term eco-friendly, which is why they continue to create waste regularly. The world is constantly flooded with beauty products like lotions, shampoos, and many others that are far from eco-friendly.

And that’s unfortunate, especially if we consider that there are various spectacular products out there that were designed to enhance our bodies, yet, without harming our lovely planet.

If all of this seems like bad news to you, and you are ready to make a change by going green. Especially when it’s about the ultimate beauty tips and cosmetic products. Below, you will be provided with some amazing items and brands that are safe for our environment. Let’s check them out together!

Dove 0% Aluminum Cucumber & Green Tea Refillable Deodorant 

This whole introduction may seem a bit intimidating and scary to some, and sometimes just thinking about this topic may cause you to sweat. If that’s the case with you, then there’s a perfect solution for this issue.

Namely, Dove has developed their first refillable stick that is ideal for sweaty pits. Furthermore, it doesn’t contain aluminum and will make you feel all clean and fresh for up to forty-eight hours.

Besides that, this stick was made out of stainless steel, which means it will last forever. Once you’re done with it, you can snap in a refill and just recycle the tiny plastic pack from the one you’ve used before.

Pacific Spirit Shampoo Bar With Coconut Oil

This is another high-quality, eco-friendly product with the latest foaming technology which offers spectacular results. Namely, this eco-friendly shampoo bar packed with natural ingredients is intended for normal and slightly oily hair. It contains ingredients like white clay and fresh raspberry juice & oil. Another great thing about this shampoo (when compared to other popular eco-friendly products) is that it’s very affordable and smells really great!

Yay For Earth

Namely, this brand established by Stevie Van Horn has created a single product, and it seems like that’s everything you need. We are talking about a lotion for sensitive skin, however, many describe it as a balm that is for all skin types.

Many people are thankful to Stevie for developing a product that is full of top-notch, healing ingredients. And it’s not just that. She seems like a huge inspiration to anyone who has decided to go green and has started leading a zero waste life.  

Eco-Friendly Jill Razor 

What first pops up when you think of exfoliating your skin? Many would say pumice stones, scrubs, and many other things. But have you ever thought of a razor that can accomplish exactly the same thing while shaving and at the same time does everything a primer does?

All of this may sound too strange to you, but it’s actually possible. Namely, this brand has created a product that is going to help you achieve sensational results by utilizing less of the products.

Furthermore, they have developed a blade that is perfect for every woman, plus it is small enough, so you can use it on your nose tip, eyebrows, and upper lips. Very practical! On the other hand, the bigger blade is for your entire face and neck.


This company has managed to attract everyone’s attention by designing various environmentally-safe conditioners and shampoos for all types of hair. Besides hair products, they also focus on making high-quality face moisturizers. In addition to body products, such as deodorants, scrubs, etc.

Even though they are relatively young as a company, they’ve almost instantly become popular. It may be because they have first-class products. Many people feel it’s also because everything they sell comes in bar form, and people are generally huge fans of bars.

Method Foaming Hand Wash Refill

It seems like now, more than ever, it’s crucial to wash our hands as frequently as we can. Now, instead of purchasing a brand-new soap bottle each time it runs dry, you can simply refill it. Namely, with this sack, you can fill your standard Method bottle three times. Plus the packing requires just a little bit of plastic.

Colgate Keep Deep Clean Toothbrush

Unfortunately, a majority of toothbrushes are hard to recycle. Unlike them, this one utilizes eighty percent less plastic. It’s all because of the replaceable head and reusable aluminum handle. 

We’ve only scratched the surface with this eco-friendly list. Besides these products, there are many other amazing sustainable items that are beneficial for both our bodies and the planet. Give them a chance if you already haven’t.

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