Have you ever considered using plants around the office to improve air quality? The good news is, not only do they look great and often require minimal maintenance, but office plants can actually help purify the air in your workspace.

Whether you’re working from home or reporting to your headquarters, there are a lot of things you can do to make your office help in a space more eco-friendly. Sometimes it’s as simple as making small changes. Other times, it might require a bit more effort, but the payoff is worth it. Help contribute to taking care of the environment by taking these steps.

1. Bring in some plants

Have you ever considered that  plants around the office help to improve air quality? The good news is, not only do they look great and often require minimal maintenance, but office plants can actually help purify the air in your workspace. Indoor plants naturally filter harmful toxins, allowing people to breathe easier while removing strong odors and making a more pleasant atmosphere. Not only are they able to reduce dust levels in the air and reduce the chances of colds, allergies, and other illnesses, but some studies have even shown that having office plants help improves the concentration levels of employees. So next time you’re thinking of adding some extra decor to your desk or sprucing up the office environment, green-ify with some houseplants for better air quality.

2. Ditch the paper

Another simple way towards a more eco-friendly office space is to ditch the paper. Whenever possible, opt for electronic versions of documents instead of printing them out. If you do need to print something, make sure to use both sides of the paper. You can also invest in a paper shredder so that you can recycle any files or documents that are no longer needed.

3. Bring your own mug and water bottle

If you’re someone who likes to drink coffee or tea at work, make sure to bring your own mug from home. This will help reduce the amount of waste that your workplace produces each day. By opting for steel or glass bottles for water or other beverages, you can help minimize the negative effects of using plastic on both the environment and your health.

4. Have your own reusable utensils

Using reusable utensils has a ton of benefits -one of them is keeping harmful plastic out of landfills. By investing in reusable utensils, you can help save on the costs and resources associated with disposable cutlery. Plus, it’s easier than ever these days because there are so many shapes, sizes, and materials available to choose from. Whether you’re taking lunch to work or eating out, your reusable utensils will be reliable and ready when you need them.

5. Use recycled materials in the office

Whenever possible, try to be more resourceful by recycling what you can. You can also go for products that are made of recycled materials. For example, if you need a new notebook, look for one that is made from recycled paper. Or, if you’re looking for a new mousepad, opt for one that is made from recycled rubber tires.

6. Turn off electronics when not in use

The best way to save electricity and conserve our resources is to turn off electronics when not in use. Did you know that cell phone chargers, TVs, and other appliances can use power even when they are turned off? That’s right – by unplugging them, we can ensure they’re completely off so we don’t waste energy that could be put to better use elsewhere. 

7. Invest in energy-efficient devices

Reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time with energy-saving surge protectors. They can detect when electronics are not in use and adjust the amount of electricity they draw accordingly. Customized power cord assemblies are also a great way to ensure your cables are connected, avoiding unnecessary reboots that could spike energy consumption. 

6. Adjust the thermostat in the office

In the winter, make sure to adjust the thermostat so that it’s set at a comfortable temperature – around 68 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. It’s possible to save a good 10% a year on cooling and heating simply by setting your thermostat back 7°-10°F for about 8 hours a day from its usual setting. Also, make sure to check and change the filter regularly. It can make a big difference in reducing energy consumption.

7. Try to carpool or take public transportation to work whenever possible

Carpooling or commuting to work can have a plethora of positive effects, not just for your wallet but also for the planet. If you’re lucky enough to have an available public transit system like a bus or train, giving yourself some time and riding with others can save on fuel costs and reduce carbon emissions. Plus, since you don’t have to drive, the morning ride from home helps clear your mind and allows you to tackle the day feeling refreshed.

Making your workspace more eco-friendly doesn’t have to be difficult – small changes can make a big difference. Give some of these tips a try. Who knows, maybe you’ll inspire your colleagues to do the same. Mother Earth and future generations will thank you for it.

Author: Katie Pierce

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