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Bulk Scale Storage and Transportation of Hydrogen using LOHC

image credit: BEIS
Charley Rattan's picture
Global Hydrogen Trainer & Advisor, Charley Rattan Associates

Charley Rattan, Training, advising and informing the global energy transition. Charley heads Charley Rattan Associates, a team of seasoned trainers and advisors driving forwards the energy...

  • Member since 2019
  • 5,480 items added with 3,659,826 views
  • May 29, 2023

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Bulk Scale Storage and Transportation of Hydrogen using LOHC

Two LOHC pairs with high technology readiness level (TRL), namely Toluene (TOL) and Benzyltoluene (BT) - forming Methylcyclohexane (MCH) and Perhydro-benzyltoluene (PBT) when loaded with hydrogen respectively - have been assessed in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics. Their characteristics have been compared against different oil products commonly processed and handled in conventional oil storage and handling facilities. The characteristics of TOL-MCH pair were found to be similar to light oil products such as gasoline or kerosene; whereas the BT-PBT pair were found to have similar characteristics to heavy oil products such as crude and heavy fuel oil. Hence, it is anticipated that existing infrastructure which handle light oil products can be suitably re-purposed to handle toluene/ MCH with no/ minor modification. Similarly, no/ minor modification is anticipated for re-purposing existing infrastructure which handle heavy oil products for handling the BT-PBT pair. A high level assessment was carried out on the suitability of typical conventional oil storage facilities for handling LOHC.

There are no known limitations on the storage and handling facilities (e.g. storage tank and loading/unloading systems) which could be utilised for storing and handling LOHC. Although there are preferential types of storage tank and pumping system for the relevant LOHC pair (e.g. floating roof tank and centrifugal pump are considered most suitable for TOL-MCH pair), others could be utilised after further checks and/ or suitable modifications. A safety review study was carried out to identify and assess the hazards associated with the operation of an existing oil storage facility for storing LOHCs. A number of hazards were identified; however, none are considered limiting in terms of the ability to store and transport LOHC safely


Hydrogen Storage






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