June 1, 2024
Global Renewable News

RenewableUK signs co-operation agreement with Ukrainian Wind Energy Association

June 26, 2023

by: Rob Norris


RenewableUK has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association at the international Ukraine Recovery Conference in London today (June 22).

In a joint letter to businesses participating in the conference, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Secretary James Cleverly and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba state that it is more important than ever for the global community to come together to show the strength of support for the recovery effort, enabling Ukraine to plan ahead. They note that the magnitude of the recovery efforts needed to overcome the consequences of the war to date are unprecedented and call for careful planning and coordination of the public and private sectors to unleash the economic potential of the large-scale reconstruction opportunity for Ukraine and other countries.

The memorandum sets out a series of objectives promoting collaboration, economic growth and shared commitments to decarbonise the energy sectors of Ukraine and the UK. It recognises the central role of renewable energy in combating climate change and achieving a sustainable energy future. The MoU aims to enhance cooperation, knowledge exchange, market development and trade between the renewable energy sectors of both countries.

RenewableUK's Commercial Director Vicky Mant, who signed the MoU, said:

"Showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine is vitally important right now. This agreement to work closely with the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association is a tangible example of how we can demonstrate our support in a practical way, putting in place a framework to help to boost the future prosperity of the country. We'll be collaborating closely by exchanging information on the latest developments in clean technology, renewable energy policy and best practice, so that we can roll out projects faster in both countries, backed by international investors.

"It's extraordinary to see that even during this period of intense conflict, Ukraine is still managing to build onshore wind farms, with a 19-turbine project just sixty miles from the front line being officially opened just last month. That level of tenacity speaks volumes about the level of commitment in Ukraine to ramp up its renewable energy capacity and we stand ready to help them to deliver even more".

The other signatory is the Vice Chairman of Ukrainian Wind Energy Association Oleksandr Podprugin, who said:

"By partnering with RenewableUK, we are taking a bold stride towards harnessing the potential of renewable energy. The MoU sets the foundation for a fruitful collaboration focused on economic growth, knowledge exchange and energy market development in both countries.

"This collaboration is especially important for Ukraine as a sign of continuous support against Russian aggression. The challenges which our country faces, and our ambitious sustainable targets, require tremendous efforts from Ukraine and a real technological and industrial co-operation with our true partners."

More details on the international Ukraine Recovery Conference are available here.

For further information, please contact:

Robert Norris, Head of Communications 07969 229 913 Robert.Norris@RenewableUK.com


  1. RenewableUK's members are building our future energy system, powered by clean electricity. We bring them together to deliver that future faster; a future which is better for industry, billpayers, and the environment. We support over 470 member companies to ensure increasing amounts of renewable electricity are deployed across the UK and to access export markets all over the world. Our members are business leaders, technology innovators, and expert thinkers from right across industry.
  2. RenewableUK's events programme is available here.

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