Improving the efficiency of your HVAC system doesn’t need to be an expensive or complicated process. With a few basic upgrades and some preventative maintenance, you should be able to reduce your HVAC system’s energy consumption and potentially save yourself quite a bit of money in the coming years.

Ways to Be More Environmentally Mindful With Your HVAC

Switch to a Wireless Thermostat

One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the efficiency of an older HVAC system is to replace the outdated thermostat. The thermostat is the brain of your heating and cooling system, and older ones can waste quite a bit of energy. With a modern wireless thermostat, you will be able to quickly adjust the temperature settings with an app so that your HVAC system doesn’t waste excess energy when no one is home.

Make the Most Out of Ceiling Fans

In addition to making adjustments to your HVAC system, you should also utilize your ceiling fans. During the hottest months of the year, your ceiling fans should all be spinning counterclockwise. This creates a cool breeze and pushes air down. Once the weather begins to cool off, and you aren’t using your air conditioner as much, you can switch the fans back to the clockwise position. That way, they distribute the warm air that is coming out of the vents.

Clean Up Around the Condenser

The outdoor condenser unit is the part of your HVAC system that adjusts the temperature of the air before it is pushed through the interior vents. If the HVAC system is surrounded by bushes or lawn equipment, the fans will have to work much harder to pull in a sufficient amount of air. At least once every few weeks, you should clear away the area around your condenser so that it doesn’t become clogged.

Service the System

The final step in this process is contacting a local company like Fred Williams and Sons Heating & Cooling to have the entire system serviced. Seasonal service calls are going to be vital to your HVAC system’s efficiency as well as its overall lifespan. Those appointments will allow the technician to clean various components of the system, check the refrigerant levels, and look for any signs of damage that could be impacting the unit’s efficiency.

If you have tried these tips and tricks and your HVAC system still uses quite a bit of energy, then it might be time to replace it entirely. Modern heating and cooling systems are incredibly efficient. Therefore, a newer unit could end up paying for itself within a matter of years.

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