June 11, 2024
Global Renewable News

Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. J-POWER Signs Joint Development Agreement with JHI in the US for New Hydroelectric Power Plant

August 19, 2022

Hydroelectric power plant development project in the state of Alaska, US Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Toshifumi Watanabe; "J-POWER") has signed a joint development agreement with Juneau Hydropower Inc. ("JHI"), an electric power production and supply developer in the US for the Sweetheart Lake Hydroelectric Development Project (the "project") near Juneau, the capital of the State of Alaska.

The purpose of the agreement is for the two companies to cooperate on the development of the project, including the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, transmission lines, and a district heating system in Alaska's state capital based on J-POWER's expertise in hydroelectric power generation accumulated through domestic operations in Japan and consulting overseas and JHI's project development strengths in Alaska.

J-POWER, guided by J-POWER BLUE MISSION 2050, announced in February 2021, continues contributing to the stable supply of electricity worldwide and taking on the challenge of achieving carbon neutrality.

Read the full press release.

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