Pollution is a term we are all familiar with, many deny it, and many accept it too.

As there are always two sides to the coin, some still believe in the flat Earth theory. However, both faces of the fence in terms of pollution agree that something has to be in place. From the morning transport to the office and work emails, everything around us has a carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is a measure of how much a product affects the environment around us. It can be due to bigger things like industries, vehicles, and many more. With time many efforts took place, but many found them not enough. 

The history of humankind and marijuana is intertwined as it is in cultivation for centuries.

The previous famous rulers like Napoleon, the long generation of French rulers, relied on Marijuana cultivation for their economy. Many even tried to invade new lands as the lands were suitable for the cultivation of Marijuana and its related products.

The idea of marijuana cultivation is not new or limited to the medieval age, but it has been in use since ancient times.

From Sushruta in India to colonists having their cultivation farms in the United States of America. The links of marijuana plantation are also linked to slavery on a wide scale in the continent of America. 

The trend is still famous in America post-legalization, and the same for Canada. The new world is advanced, and so are the people living in it. Modern society has realized that there are environmental impacts related to the production of Marijuana and other products.

Products like CBD, CBD, THC, Delta-8 come from the plantation of marijuana. In this article, we will explore the environmental effects of CBD and other Marijuana products. We will also explore the possibilities of improvements that can make the CBD plantation decrease the harm to the environment.

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is the compound that comes from the leaves of the famous marijuana plant family. The family has many types of plants, and CBD comes from the sativa plant. The leaves are narrow and wide, which makes the extraction effortless.

The process involves simple apparatus, which are affordable and widely available. Cannabidiol-based products are a mix of cannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinol, and other ingredients. In addition, the ingredients can include binding ones, which bind all the products together. The content of tetrahydrocannabinol is limited to 0.3%, which gets it the critical FDA approval.

Since the last couple of decades, the popularity of CBD-based products has widely increased. A study by Statista shows that the sales of CBD-based products were more than 1600 million US dollars in the year 2020 alone. One of the unique selling points is the wide range of CBD offers.

CBD Tincture, Gummies, Wax, CBD and CBN oil for sleep, and many more. There is a CBD version for everyone, from adults to senior citizens across the country. Many believe that the wide availability of CBD-Based products is one of the reasons for its popularity.

Now we will discuss the effects on the environment and sustainability from CBD further. We will also look at some of the solutions available for the respective problems.

Air Pollution

CBD-Based products can go through the mouth, but several other techniques are present too. Mix CBD with vaping, and you have the best out of both sides. Putting CBD into your favorite kits releases fumes into the atmosphere, which can be harmful in the long term.

It can cause air pollution, and in closed spaces can be lethal over a long period. Specialists suggest vaping in open spaces and doing it in controlled quantities around wet clothes. The water in the clothes can absorb the vaping fumes and stop them from harming the atmosphere.

Slash and Burn

Like any farming crop comes a period when you cannot do more plantations on the same land. The general procedure includes leaving part of the land for good. It happens quicker in the case of marijuana plantation, as it demands a lot of nutrients from the soil. If the piece of land is left, it wastes the area and causes land pollution.

Furthermore, specialists suggest changing the crop on a particular piece of land, which ensures the nutrients replenished. In addition, the practice is also known as slash and burn, common among farmers across the country but overlooked by many.

Energy Discharge

Most of the modern CBD plantations are indoors in greenhouses which use a lot of energy. For instance, it can be electricity which powers the greenhouse or the water which comes inside the greenhouse. If the farmer follows irregular practices, it can lead to a waste of energy, which causes a leak of resources.

The more electricity we consume, the larger the carbon footprint, which harms the environment in the long term. Specialists suggest drip farming, which saves water and reduces the average water usage by almost half. Many recommend using solar panels to save electricity and use renewable energy from the Sun.

Effect on the User

As the saying goes, humankind is the most critical change to the environment around us. CBD has many medicinal qualities which can ease the human mind. The clinical studies prove that the hemp extract in cannabidiol-based products reduces stress, anxiety, and depressive episodes in the user.

Additionally, the unique selling point which makes CBD the best alternative in the market, is being organic. It has no long/short-term side effects on the user, which sets it apart from the chemical-based drugs in the market. The happier the user, the more positive changes she/he has on the environment. Studies suggest that a happy mind tends to exercise more, which in turn decreases the carbon footprint.

Is it Legal?

The content of Tetrahydrocannabinol in CBD-based products is limited to 0.3%. It is one of the main reasons why the Food and Drug Authorities gave it critical approval in the United States. Moreover, the production and distribution of cannabinoid-based products are legal in most of the states in America. It makes it widely available but also increases the responsibilities of plantation owners. 


With being aware of the benefits and dangers of CBD-based products, it’s critical to see the benefits outweigh the risk. Making it essential to improve the risk factors. Through various techniques, we can increase the sustainability of the CBD plantation, making it environment friendly and avail its many benefits.

Many large and small business chains have already entered the CBD market and are taking it by storm. However, they must ensure that environment-friendly practices are in place for the plantation of CBD. Who wouldn’t like an environment-friendly antidepressant?

Author: Kaitlin justice 

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