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Jaber Abosaag's picture
Founder of Green Chem , Green Chem

Experienced engineer with a successful track record of delivering business transformations and developing high-performance teams. Skilled in project management, risk management, and urban...

  • Member since 2023
  • 13 items added with 5,865 views
  • Apr 4, 2023

District cooling systems offer a number of benefits for future cities, including energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. As cities look for ways to reduce their environmental impact and meet the cooling needs of their growing populations, district cooling systems may be an increasingly attractive option.

Matt Chester's picture
Matt Chester on Apr 4, 2023

The efficiencies are certainly there, but how expensive is the initial construction and ultimate maintenance? Is there an understood payback period? 

Jaber Abosaag's picture
Jaber Abosaag on Apr 5, 2023

Matt, This project should be government subsidized as part of green and sustainable projects to make cities more sustainable. 

As a utility project. You are correct, the initial construction is high but one can charge customers for the chilled water. 

Jaber Abosaag's picture
Thank Jaber for the Post!
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