American Wind Energy Association Statement on Business Roundtable Climate Change Policy Announcement

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) released this statement after the corporate leaders at the Business Roundtable announced new principles and policies to address climate change, including support for market-based climate solutions:

Washington D.C. - The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) released this statement after the corporate leaders at the Business Roundtable announced new principles and policies to address climate change, including support for market-based climate solutions:

"We applaud the Business Roundtable and its corporate leadership for embracing the need for a comprehensive and market-based approach to address climate change. With over 80 percent of America's voters saying a company's commitment to combatting climate change is important when they consider where to spend their dollars and which brands to give their loyalty to, it's encouraging to see these titans of industry take a collective position to address this issue.

More and more Fortune 500 companies, including members of the Roundtable, are choosing wind energy as a preferred solution to power their operations, reduce costs to customers, and help meet their business and sustainability targets. It's proven to be not only good for the environment, but good for business and their bottom lines.

This corporate momentum towards a lower-carbon future powered by clean, affordable, renewable energy is going to continue as the country shifts to rebuilding from COVID-19. Clean power is also going to be a major driver of the country's economic recovery through job creation and local market investments, helping people where it's needed most. And we look forward to helping companies identify practical solutions to achieve their climate policy goals and kickstart America's recovery." - AWEA CEO Tom Kiernan


AWEA is the national trade association for the U.S. wind industry, the largest source of renewable energy in the country. We represent 1,000 member companies, 120,000 jobs in the U.S. economy, and a nationwide workforce located across all 50 states. AWEA serves as a powerful voice for how wind works for America. Members include global leaders in wind power and energy development, turbine manufacturing, and component and service suppliers. They gather each year at the Western Hemisphere's most efficient and targeted event for utility-scale renewable companies, the  AWEA CLEANPOWER Conference & Exhibition, next in Indianapolis, June 7-10, 2021. An outgrowth of the AWEA WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition, CLEANPOWER is the first trade show focused exclusively on the utility-scale renewable power sector, bringing together all the major developers, utilities, OEMs, suppliers, and buyers under one roof.  Visit  AWEA's website  to learn more about the enormous economic benefits wind power brings to America and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and  LinkedIn.

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