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The KJ Show Episode 85: Earth Day- Celebrating Creation or Demonizing Climate Change?

image credit: Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson's picture

Dr. Katherine Johnson is President of Johnson Consulting Group. For 30 years, Dr. Johnson has worked closely with investor-owned, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal energy utilities...

  • Member since 2012
  • 140 items added with 42,521 views
  • Apr 26, 2024

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community.

After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

The KJ Show #85 - Earth Day- Celebrating Creation or Demonizing Climate Change?

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The holiday is now a global celebration that's sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living.

America's leading environmental historian, William Cronon of the University of Wisconsin, calls environmentalism a new religion because it offers "a complex series of moral imperatives for ethical action and judges human conduct accordingly." In other words, issues such as climate change are now much more than about "science."

More about the show and how you can participate:

The KJ Show on is every Wednesday at 11 a.m. Eastern. This fast-paced show combines energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. Each show will also include a live call-in segment the audience can ask their questions and share their opinions about some of the hottest topics in energy today. Katherine shares insights on the changes in the industry drawing on her experience as a consultant in the energy efficiency industry for the past 30 years. Join the conversation live at 11 a.m. Wednesdays by calling 866-451-1451 to talk about the changes and innovations in the energy efficiency industry.

If you are interested in being one of Katherine's guests - contact me at

Past shows are broadcast on a variety of Internet platforms including YouTube, Spotify, Spreaker, Google, , IHEART Radio, and multiple international platforms.


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