The delicate balance upholding all life on Earth is in danger, and to prevent the worse from befalling all living creatures, there’s the need for major changes. Some of these changes will even affect our choice of food because as more people become conscious of the effects of human activity on the planet, they’ll begin asking more questions. 

Consumers are now looking past the grocery store’s food shelves to find out the processes used in producing their food. How do we come by our food, and which effects does it have on Mother Nature?

For instance, livestock production involving eggs, meat, and milk account for 40 percent of the world’s gross domestic agricultural product. However, it consumes about one-third of the global freshwater resources. All these facts show that traditional farming practices have significant impacts on the planet. 

Here are five simple but sustainable eating habits that can boost your health and provide long-term benefits to the global ecosystem. 

Eat More Greens

Going green isn’t only the optimal diet for most people; it’s also the most beneficial meal plan for the planet. For one, shifting toward a more plant-focused diet plan will minimize the impact of deforestation and freshwater withdrawal on the Earth. This is what you might call a win-win decision because not only are meat products like red meat bad for you. Its production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. 

So choosing plant food products preserves the entire world. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself. You can find green edibles like the best indica flower Canada or any other country can offer and shop online. 

Practice Mindful Eating

It doesn’t take much to start implementing sustainable eating habits if you can start practicing mindful eating. But what does this mean? You have to focus on what you choose to eat by reflecting on your food sources and the nutritions they will provide your body

Also, you will need to learn to remain more in tune with your sense of hunger. Learning to differentiate between hunger and cravings will show you that you don’t need as much food as you thought. Hence, you can get to resize the amount of food you consume per meal.

Choose Products Made With RSPO Certified Palm Oil

Not many people are aware that there are two main types of palm oils depending on the production methods. They are sustainable and unsustainable palm oil. Unsustainable palm oil causes large-scale deforestation and destroys the natural habitats of several species like tigers and orangutans. 

This type of palm oil production only persists because producers continue to find a market for their products. Some suggest the total rejection of all palm oils, but this could be counterproductive since alternative oils could have worse effects. The best approach is to look for the RSPO certification label when shopping for palm oil. 

Reduce Waste

A major challenge to food sustainability is food waste. Stats show that about 30 to 40 percent of the total food produced goes to waste, with severe ramifications for the environment. To put things into perspective, let’s assume that food waste was a nation. 

Given the figures, it would be the third-largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions, following China and the U.S. Therefore, using the different preservative measures to cut down waste at home can go a long way to help the planet. 

Choose Seafood Responsibly

The majority of marine lives are either endangered or soon will be because about 90 percent of the food population are overfished, according to the UNCTAD. However, if seamen can employ responsible fishing measures or produce seafood with environmentally-friendly practices, seafood can benefit both the climate and people. 

Instead of consuming the same type of seafood all year round, try diversifying your choices, preferably choosing species lower down the food chain. Also, always purchase your seafood from well-managed sources where you’re confident that sustainable practices were used to produce them. 


One may ask what can be done at the national or international levels to fight some of the contributing factors leading to global warming, emissions of greenhouse gases, and the misuse of natural resources. Firstly, governments and international bodies like the UN should enact and enforce laws to protect natural resources and stop climate emergencies. If not, reverse their adverse effects on the environment. 

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, everyone needs to get on board and commit to making a difference. It doesn’t matter how small or big the lifestyle change you need to make. The compounding effects of billions of individuals teaming up to preserve nature will make all the difference necessary to keep our plant safe and habitable for the generations yet to come. Which better place to start than with the five sustainable eating tips outlined above?

Author: Lisa Dinh

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