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Carbon Sequestration and the Untapped Potential of Carbon-Negative Hydrogen

image credit: Image copyright Tom Raftery
Tom Raftery's picture
Owner, Tom Raftery

Tom Raftery works at the intersection of technology and sustainability. Tom researches and advises companies on the clean energy transition. Tom also keynotes international events, chairs panels...

  • Member since 2023
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  • Nov 25, 2023

As we grapple with the escalating challenges of climate change, the quest for innovative solutions has never been more urgent. On the Climate Confident Podcast, I recently engaged with Arnaud Lager, CEO of Decahydron, delving into an area ripe with potential: the production of carbon-negative hydrogen and the critical role of carbon sequestration.

The process of carbon sequestration is pivotal in our fight against climate change. It's not just about reducing emissions but also about actively removing excess CO2 from our atmosphere. The science is clear: to limit global warming, we must not only curb our carbon footprint but also find ways to extract and store atmospheric carbon effectively.

Decahydron's approach embodies this principle. By producing hydrogen through methane cracking, they not only generate energy but also capture carbon in the process. This carbon is then permanently stored by converting it into carbonate minerals through a natural reaction with ultramafic rocks. It’s a groundbreaking method that transforms the narrative from mere emission reduction to actual carbon negativity.

But the story doesn’t end there. The real game-changer lies in the potential of natural sources of hydrogen. These untapped reserves, bubbling up in places like the UAE, could revolutionize industries traditionally hard to abate, like cement and steel. Here's the clincher: the cost of naturally occurring hydrogen is significantly lower than that of green hydrogen produced using renewable energy. We're looking at a scenario where sustainable practices in energy-intensive industries could become not just environmentally viable but economically attractive too.

This price differential could be the catalyst for a seismic shift in these industries. By transitioning to naturally occurring hydrogen, we could see a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions in sectors where it was once deemed too costly or challenging. It’s a tantalizing prospect: leveraging the gifts of nature to pave the way for a greener, more sustainable industrial landscape.

Yet, the journey doesn't stop at carbon-negative hydrogen or natural hydrogen sources. It's about creating a holistic strategy that combines renewable energy, technological innovation, and sustainable practices. Every effort, from advancements in direct air capture technology to the promotion of renewable energy sources, is a step towards a more sustainable future.

For a deeper dive into this fascinating subject, I invite you to listen to the full episode of the Climate Confident Podcast with Arnaud Lager. Here, you'll gain insights into how carbon sequestration and the advent of carbon-negative hydrogen, particularly from natural sources, can transform our approach to some of the most carbon-intensive industries.

Let’s embrace this moment of opportunity. By supporting and advancing these innovative technologies, we edge closer to a future where sustainability is not just an option but the foundation of our industrial and environmental strategies.

Roger Arnold's picture
Roger Arnold on Nov 28, 2023

It's doubtful that geological supplies of free hydrogen are large enough to be of commercial value. It used to be thought that they couldn't exist at all. Recent discoveries have proved that wrong, but my impression is that their creation is still something of a mystery. They are almost certainly not a renewable resource.

Tom Raftery's picture
Tom Raftery on Nov 29, 2023

I would have thought the same Roger but Arnaud deals with that question quite well in the podcast. It has to do with the chemistry of the ultramafic rocks in the region he's talking about.

Roger Arnold's picture
Roger Arnold on Nov 30, 2023

Wow! Thanks so much for pointing that out, Tom. I hadn't taken the time to listen to the podcast itself when I posted my comment above. I was just going by the summary you had written, and what I thought I already knew. Well, the joke's on me. As Mark Twain pointed out, it isn't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, it's "what you think you know that ain't so". 

You raise the topic of free hydrogen fairly late in the podcast, at around 16:40. Arnaud doesn't go into any detail about the chemical reaction that is able to generate free hydrogen in deep crustal rocks; he only says that the hydrogen is produced by a reaction of water with ultramafic rocks. But that was enough. On the basis of what I had heard in the earlier part of the interview, I knew that he was technically competent. He almost certainly knew what he was talking about. So I asked google "can ultramafic rocks react with water to produce hydrogen?".

A door opened, and, lo and behold, I discovered a knowledge micro-world of which I'd been blissfully unaware. It's name is "the serpentinization process". For a nerd of my particular bent, that's a rare and exhilarating occurrence. So I donned my (figurative) hiking boots and went exploring.

Turns out that serpentinization of ultramafic minerals is a well-known process. (Well-known to geochemists.) The hydrogen it produces is crucial for life around ocean geo-thermal vents. But nobody expected it to create reservoirs of free hydrogen that could be tapped as energy resources. Ultra-mafic minerals are found mostly in non-porous igneous rocks. Ordinarily, meteoric water has no way of getting in, and hydrogen generated by reaction with juvenile water already present in the rock matrix has no way of getting out. Fracturing of the rock can create pathways, but it was assumed that any hydrogen liberated in that manner would long since have escaped. Tight sedimentary cap formations of the sort that allow oil and gas reservoirs to accumulate over geological time would not be sufficient to trap hydrogen.

It now seems that under the right conditions, truly impermeable cap layers able to trap hydrogen can develop, and that hydrogen reservoirs can form in the sedimentary deposits below those caps. That's a recent discovery, and I don't think anybody knows as yet how extensive such hydrogen deposits may be. But now that it's known to be possible, I expect we'll be hearing a lot more about it in the future.

FWIW, I am now following your podcast, and chipping in my $3.00 a month to support it. I strongly recommend it to any of my own followers on this web site who are interested in clean energy technologies.

Tom Raftery's picture
Thank Tom for the Post!
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