June 2, 2024
Global Renewable News

Enbridge Gas, Bluewater Recycling Association and Ontario Waste Management Association unveil agri-innovation milestone
RNG produced from cow manure to power Ontario's first carbon-negative refuse-collection truck

September 1, 2022

Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA), Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA) and Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) announce the first-in-Ontario, carbon-negative refuse truck, fuelled by renewable natural gas (RNG) produced by a local Ontario farm from largely cow manure.  

How it works: The decomposition of agricultural waste generates methane gas, which is converted into RNG and used in place of diesel fuel. Diverting methane emissions that would otherwise be released into the air combined with eliminating C02 emissions from diesel fuel results in negative carbon emissions while also diverting farm waste and supporting local economic development.

Quick Facts:

  • The BRA's RNG truck will displace CO2 emissions from 18,000 litres of diesel in the first six months.
  • RNG trucks are half the cost of electric trucks and are priced similar to diesel trucks.
  • Diesel trucks can be replaced one-for-one with RNG trucks without compromising performance. Like diesel, RNG operates during freezing weather conditions and refuelling takes minutes.
  • Today, there are more than 110 operating RNG facilities in North America: with ten of those in Canada. There are over 30 RNG projects in various stages of development or construction in Ontario.

Municipalities and businesses who operate fleets of waste collection vehicles like BRA and other OWMA members can achieve a zero-carbon footprint using RNG fuel, affordably and practically, without sacrificing performance, reliability, or range.

With the Enbridge Gas turnkey, all-inclusive program, and collaboration with governments and partners, Enbridge Gas is advancing innovative energy solutions and helping fleets switch to green RNG today a cost-effective, low-carbon alternative to diesel fuel.

In addition to RNG for transport, Enbridge Gas offers a new Voluntary RNG program which gives customers the opportunity to support the transition to clean energy through a small monthly contribution ($2) to help offset the increased costs of acquiring carbon-neutral renewable natural gas.

Visit enbridgegas.com/rng or bra.org/rng to learn more about renewable natural gas and how you can make the switch.


"Renewable natural gas is making a difference in communities across Ontario and contributing to green innovation in our energy sector. Leveraging the power of RNG as a flexible and reliable energy source means less waste and lower emissions."
-       Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Energy

"This is a great example of how Ontario can both address climate change and build our economy through innovation. I want to thank Enbridge Gas, the Ontario Waste Management Association and the Bluewater Recycling Association for their leadership to reduce emissions and create a cleaner Ontario for future generations."
-       Hon. David Piccini, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

"I want to extend my congratulations to the Bluewater Recycling Association, the Ontario Waste Management Association and Enbridge Gas for undertaking this remarkable accomplishment. This carbon-negative refuse truck is another step forward in the drive for innovation leading to better outcomes for our farmers, the environment and the economy. I applaud everyone who participated in this major advancement."
-       Hon. Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and MPP for Huron-Bruce

"This project is a natural next step in the progressive conversion of our fleet from diesel to a cleaner energy source. We want to use cleaner renewable energy sources to serve our communities while continuing to strive for a more circular economy in all aspects of our operations and help to ensure our municipal members meet their environmental commitments. Having a clean, renewable and local source of energy for our fleet embodies everything the BRA believes in."
-       Francis Veilleux, President of Bluewater Recycling Association

"The waste and recycling sector continues to be a thought leader in driving greenhouse gas reductions. Thousands of waste and recycling collection vehicles, travel through our communities, recapturing resources and keeping waste out of our environment. This initiative represents a significant opportunity in further closing the loop by using the organic waste collected to fuel (RNG) and decarbonize our fleets. Congratulations to Bluewater Recycling Association for its continued environmental leadership."
-       Spencer Leefe, Manager of Policy and Research, OWMA

"The accelerating growth of RNG production in Ontario enables waste industry organizations like BRA to demonstrate leadership in displacing diesel. Early investments in compressed natural gas (CNG) are paying environmental dividends via RNG as a straightforward path for decarbonizing transportation today. We're pleased to support their efforts as we work together to transition Ontario to a clean energy future."
-       Michele Harradence, President of Enbridge Gas

About Bluewater Recycling Association
The Bluewater Recycling Association is a rural based municipal cooperative operating as a non-profit organization developing and maintaining facilities on behalf of, and in cooperation with the municipal sector. The Association services approximately 180,000 people in 80,000 households from 22 municipalities with its award-winning state of the art material recovery facility and fleet of 42 collection vehicles.

About Ontario Waste Management Association
The Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA) is the province's largest, most effective environmental services association representing the waste management and recycling sector. Its membership includes more than 250 companies and organizations in the private and public sectors, which manage 85% of Ontario's waste. The association works with its members to develop detailed research and provide expert advice with the objective of resource recovery, addressing climate change and fostering investment and innovation in the waste management sector. The OWMA also provides opportunities for members to network together while supporting their professional development and career growth with educational events and webinars. For more info visit owma.org.

About Enbridge Gas Inc.
Enbridge Gas is Canada's largest natural gas storage, transmission and distribution company based in Ontario, with more than 170 years of service to customers. The distribution business provides safe, affordable, reliable energy to about 3.8 million homes, businesses and industries and is leading the transition to a clean energy future through net-zero emissions targets and investments in innovative low-carbon energy solutions. The storage and transmission business offers a variety of storage and transportation services to customers at the Dawn Hub, the largest integrated underground storage facility in Canada and one of the largest in North America. Enbridge Gas is owned by Enbridge Inc., a Canadian-based leader in energy transportation and distribution. Learn more at enbridgegas.com.

Enbridge Gas, Leanne McNaughton, Senior Communications Advisor, Public Affairs, enbridgegasmedia@enbridge.com
Bluewater Recycling Association, Francis Veilleux, President, Phone: 519-228-6678 ext. 225, francis@bra.org

For more information

Enbridge Gas
500 Consumers Road
North York Ontario
Canada M2J 1P8

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