Ok. Let’s talk energy restaurant equipment. A UK restaurant’s energy consumption will always be high due to refrigeration. So it’s your restaurant equipment costs energy. Also cooking and washing. In addition, heating, and lighting. For the UK’s restaurant, catering and hospitality industries. Again: heating and lighting are some of the largest energy consumers.

Restaurant Energy Consumption

Even though your restaurant’s energy consumption will vary depending on the size and menu you offer. For there are ways you can reduce the amount of energy you consume. No matter what kind of restaurant business you run. I mean energy consumption will be high. So saving money and maximizing efficiency and saving money. In addition, it is essential to boost your bottom line.

Energy restaurant equipment





How Much Energy Does the Average Restaurant Use?

According to statistics released by the Carbon Trust, restaurants consume an average of 20 billion kWh of energy per year. That’s with 40 percent of energy coming from natural gas and 60 percent from electricity. How much and how you use energy will vary depending on what kind of restaurant you run. 

It’s important to note that restaurants use gas and electricity for various things beyond cooking and refrigeration, such as lighting and heating. A good restaurant must serve good food and maintain a comfortable dining atmosphere, which means having the proper lighting and keeping your restaurant at a comfortable temperature.

6 Restaurant Energy-Saving Tips

Here are a few practical tips to help you conserve energy.

Perform An Energy Audit

Energy audits can help you identify inefficient areas and solutions in your restaurant that can reduce energy consumption. Look at your business energy bills to see what you’re wasting, how much it costs. As well as where it goes. This audit can result in significant savings. Thereby reducing your energy usage by up to 40 percent. 

There are three ways to conduct a business energy audit:

  1. Audit the energy efficiency of the building on-site.
  2. Phone-based energy audit.
  3. An internal audit of energy use.
  4. Maintain Kitchen Equipment Regularly
Maintenance is Essential

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your equipment can significantly extend its life and save you money. You should regularly clean your refrigerator’s condenser coils. All because dust can build up over time.

Your refrigeration unit needs to operate efficiently to maintain food-safe temperatures. You can also boost your unit’s efficiency by keeping the coils clean and clear from clogged debris and grime.

Any equipment that uses water should also have its water filtration system in good working order to prevent unnecessary calcification. You can improve the efficiency of your water heater. That’s also by replacing your water filters on a regular basis. Especially to prevent scale buildup.

Energy-efficient Lighting

The energy usage of LED bulbs is about 80% lower than that of traditional light bulbs. You can save energy and money by replacing standard bulbs with LED ones, which also last longer and require fewer replacements. 

It is also a good idea to use motion sensor lighting in areas that are not used often, like a storeroom or a bathroom. Doing this will prevent lights from being switched on when no one is present.

Additionally, save energy by switching off lights at the end of the day and during the day in rooms where no one uses them.

Use Energy-Efficient Kitchen Equipment

A contributor to a restaurant’s high energy consumption is its kitchen equipment. Consider upgrading your high-energy-user equipment to equipment that uses less energy by researching manufacturers that offer less-energy-using equipment. 

Upgrading your fridges, ovens, and stoves to energy-efficient models can save significantly on utilities, including high-efficiency fryers. An energy-efficient dishwasher can save you thousands of pounds a year compared to a standard dishwasher.

Beware of Vampire Energy

A vampire energy source is any device, kitchen or office equipment drains electricity while in standby mode. Solving this problem by unplugging and switching off unnecessary devices and equipment is easy. You can save hundreds of pounds of energy simply by making these small changes! When the restaurant is quiet, for example, between lunch and dinner, turn off your equipment, and adjust your heating.

Consider Switching Energy Suppliers

Switching energy suppliers can help your business reduce costs and cut energy bills. Getting a better deal is why many businesses consider switching energy suppliers. Your supplier’s out-of-contract rates are usually applied when your contract expires, contributing to your restaurant’s operating costs.

Before switching energy providers, use a broker or comparison site to find the best deals. A copy of your contract or recent bill is helpful so that you can see how much you could be saving if you track what you spend today and what you could be saving when making the switch.

Final Thoughts

Most restaurant owners are committed to increasing energy efficiency since their kitchens waste enormous amounts of energy every day. Your restaurant can save on business energy costs by making small changes, regardless of the high energy prices and instability of the market. When it comes down to it, you can boost your bottom line. That’s by reducing your usage. Finally by switching to energy-efficient lighting and equipment.

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