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Will this dual cell battery technology (doubling the range) replace the Tesla battery pack?

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Joe Luong's picture
Managing Director, Neo Energy Storage Limited

Joe HQ Luong is a seasoned CEO and Founder with over 18 years of experience in multiple sectors.  Currently, Joe serves as the Managing Director of Neo Energy Storage Ltd, a Private Equity...

  • Member since 2023
  • 23 items added with 6,090 views
  • Nov 25, 2023

According to Our Next Energy (ONE), their Gemini battery pack can double the range of an electric without compromising safety. It uses two cells: a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cell for daily driving and an anode-free cell for longer trips. A DC-DC converter moves energy from between them seamlessly while our patented skip-cell architecture sharply reduces the risk of thermal runaway.

A lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cell powers the motor and meets the demands of daily driving. Gemini’s LFP cell delivers 441 Wh/L, which produces a range of 150 miles on a charge — more than enough power for 99% of trips.

After 150 miles, it switches to the anode-free cell, using it to charge the LFP cell. With an energy density of 1,007 Wh/L, the anode-free cell provides an additional 450 miles of range. Combined, the two cells will be one of the longest-range EV packs on the market — delivering more than 600 miles on a single charge."

Their dual cell technology can reduce:

Lithium 20%
Graphite 60%
Nickel 75%
Cobalt 100%

What do you think? Would this be adopted by other EV makers and catchup to Tesla?

#netzero2050 #Electrifyingcars #electricvehicles

This is blog was taken from an article on LinkedIn



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