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The next-generation of electric vehicle batteries will be safer and perform better!

image credit: Courtesy of Toyota Motor Corp.
Kent Knutson's picture
Energy Market Specialist, Hitachi Energy USA Inc.

Kent Knutson is a market specialist focusing on energy industry intelligence for Hitachi Energy.  He has more than 30 years of experience designing and developing intelligence products for some...

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  • 362 items added with 226,861 views
  • Aug 16, 2022

This is a very informative article by Mara Budgen for The Japan Times highlighting the race to develop next-generation batteries for electric vehicles. The story articulates the evolution from lithium-ion technology to new innovative solid-state battery design. There are several compelling quotes from Steve LeVine, editor of The Electric and author of the book, "The Powerhouse: America, China, and the Great Battery War", including a discussion of the ultimate goal - to improve energy density by using better chemistry and design. "In 2025, you’ll look back on the world we’re talking about now as the Stone Age,” LeVine says.


Matt Chester's picture
Matt Chester on Aug 16, 2022

What I'm excited to see is how different EV batteries are developed for different applications, tailored to their needs-- long-range shipping vs. personal vehicles vs. fleet vehicles vs. buses vs. etc.

Jim Stack's picture
Jim Stack on Aug 18, 2022

We have made great progress in batteries from toxic heavy metal Lead Acid batteries to the advanced lithium cells we use today. They will keep getting better and lower in cost with longer life. The Tesla progress from 18650 cell to 2170 was a big jump. Now they have 4680 cells that are great and they are even improving them as more companies start making them in mass. The material they use in them is getting better too. 

    But why did it take an outsider new company like Tesla to change from the 100 years of lead acid batteries. Tesla have even changed the 12 volt starter battery to now be lithium. We just like the progress and now many companies are joining the race. I can't wait to see what we have in 5 or 10 years. Just like cell phones and personal computers the progress is really great.  

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