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Egypt's Drive for Green Hydrogen: Attracting Major Investments, Including BP, and Establishing Itself as a Hub for Sustainable Energy

image credit: Waleed Hammouda
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Experienced Business Development Manager and Founder of EcoPower Enthusiasts, a community of individuals dedicated to promoting sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for a greener future. As an...

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  • 7 items added with 2,820 views
  • Jun 8, 2023

With the global energy transition gaining momentum, green hydrogen has emerged as a promising solution for decarbonizing various sectors. As countries strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shift towards sustainable energy sources, Egypt has positioned itself as a potential hub for green hydrogen production. Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Egypt has the geographic advantage to become a strategic player in the green hydrogen market.

In addition to Egypt's potential as a green hydrogen hub, notable projects and collaborations further demonstrate the country's commitment to renewable energy and its attractiveness to international investors. One such project is Amarinco's groundbreaking green hydrogen initiative in Tarboul, Egypt, which is set to launch by the end of this month with a substantial investment of $2.8 billion. This project marks a significant step towards decarbonization and renewable energy development in the region.

Furthermore, the recent memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by bp and the Government of Egypt highlights the growing interest in green hydrogen within the country. The MoU involves bp, Egypt's New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), the General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE), and the Sovereign Fund of Egypt for Investment and Development (TSFE).

Under the MoU, bp will conduct studies to evaluate the technical and commercial feasibility of establishing a multi-phase, large-scale green hydrogen export hub in Egypt. This initiative aligns with Egypt's world-class renewable energy resources and the government's ambitious low-carbon strategy. By leveraging its long history and significant role in Egypt's energy industry, bp aims to support the country's transition to a low-carbon energy system.


This article explores Egypt's potential and its unique position on the world map as a hydrogen hub for three continents.


1. Abundant Renewable Resources:

Egypt boasts abundant renewable energy resources, including vast desert landscapes and a favorable climate for solar and wind power generation. These resources provide a strong foundation for the production of green hydrogen through electrolysis, where electricity generated from renewable sources is used to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Leveraging its renewable potential, Egypt has the capacity to produce significant amounts of green hydrogen to meet domestic and regional demand.


2. Strategic Geographical Location:

Egypt's strategic geographical location positions it as an ideal hydrogen hub connecting Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Its proximity to Europe allows for efficient exportation of green hydrogen to countries striving to reduce their carbon footprint. Furthermore, Egypt's geographical proximity to Africa and the Middle East presents an opportunity to support neighboring countries in their energy transition, fostering regional cooperation and economic growth.


3. Growing International Partnerships:

Egypt has been actively fostering international partnerships and collaborations in the green hydrogen sector. The Egyptian government has approved major projects, including partnerships with international companies such as Fertiberia and Iberdrola, to develop green hydrogen initiatives. These collaborations facilitate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and investment inflow, positioning Egypt as an attractive destination for green hydrogen development.


4. Diverse Applications and Market Potential:

Green hydrogen has a wide range of applications, from powering transportation systems to industrial processes and grid balancing. Egypt's strategic position at the intersection of three continents grants it access to a diverse range of markets. It can supply green hydrogen to European countries striving to meet their renewable energy targets, address the energy needs of African nations with limited access to clean energy, and support the energy transition in Middle Eastern countries. This vast market potential positions Egypt as a crucial player in the global green hydrogen economy.


5. Government Support and Policy Framework:

Recognizing the importance of green hydrogen, the Egyptian government has demonstrated strong support for the sector. It has implemented favorable policies, incentives, and regulations to encourage investment and create a conducive environment for green hydrogen projects. Additionally, Egypt has set targets for green hydrogen production, signaling its commitment to sustainable energy and attracting both domestic and international investors.


After understanding the factors that attract investment to Egypt's green hydrogen projects, we must now answer a critical question: "Why is Egypt eager to invest in Green hydrogen?"  

The answer to this question is critical for investors. Such an explanation will be critical in investors' decisions. 


Egypt is investing in green hydrogen for a variety of compelling reasons, including:


  1. Renewable Energy Transition: Egypt recognises the need to move from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources in order to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in green hydrogen allows Egypt to use its plentiful renewable resources, such as solar and wind, to generate clean energy while also contributing to global decarbonization efforts.
  2. Economic Development and Job Creation: The growth of the green hydrogen sector creates substantial economic prospects for Egypt. It has the potential to attract domestic and foreign investment, create jobs across the value chain, and support the emergence of a new industry. Egypt can diversify its economy, reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, and drive long-term economic growth by establishing itself as a green hydrogen hub.
  3. Energy Security and Independence: Green hydrogen generation provides Egypt with energy security and independence. Egypt can minimise its dependency on imported fossil fuels and stabilise its energy supply by utilising its own renewable resources. Green hydrogen can be used as a dependable and domestically produced energy source, increasing energy security and decreasing vulnerability to external energy market changes.
  4. Regional Leadership and Cooperation: Egypt aspires to be a regional leader in renewable energy while also encouraging regional cooperation. By investing in green hydrogen, Egypt can assist neighbouring countries with their energy transitions, create regional collaborations, and improve energy security and stability across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Egypt's excellent geographical location makes it an ideal base for exporting green hydrogen to neighbouring countries.


The hosting of COP27 in Egypt has played a crucial role in attracting renewable energy investments to the country. The conference provided a platform for Egypt to showcase its commitment to sustainable development and its potential as a regional leader in renewable energy.

With favorable policies, supportive government initiatives, and the momentum generated by hosting COP27, Egypt is poised to become a model for sustainable energy development in the region. By capitalizing on its renewable resources, attracting investments, and forging strategic partnerships, Egypt can play a pivotal role in advancing the global energy transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon future.

Through the collective efforts of governments, private sector stakeholders, and international collaborations, Egypt's potential as a green hydrogen hub for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East can be realized, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape and driving positive change on a global scale.


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