Non-profit charity acting as a watchdog of drinking water across the United States. By conducting independent, third-party water testing for toxins and pollutants.

WaterWatch USA, a startup non-profit, pending 501(c)(3), launched the Clean Drinking Water Project. Thereby they acted as a watchdog group for America’s drinking water. Similarly, they did it as advocates for clean drinking water for all.

WaterWatch USA also helps ensure that America’s drinking water is safe for human consumption. Furthermore they are a via independent third-party testing, non-profit.  That’s why they are launching that GoFundMe campaign they did. All to send water sample kits to Americans across the country.

This is because it’s getting a clear picture of what the nation’s drinking water. As they say and what it looks like. So more to come on this part of the story in the future!

Although and on another note, showering is one of the leading ways Americans use water in the home, accounting for nearly 17 percent of all residential indoor water use, or about 30 gallons per household per day. That’s about 1.2 trillion gallons of water every year in the United States.

That’s unless WE start doing something about it. Therefore, time is now. The country needs independent, accurate testing of America’s drinking water for a clear picture of the country’s most important natural resource.

Here’s why. Trump’s first EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, resigned under a mountain of corruption scandals. At Trump’s urging, and before he forced to resign, Pruitt tasked with rolling back regulations that protect our water supplies, such as the Obama-era Clean Water Act (also known as the “Waters of the United States”) and the Stream Protection Rule, which prevented coal companies from dumping hazardous waste into streams and rivers.

Coal Power Plants

For example, in tests conducted in late 2017, one in three coal-fired power plants nationwide detected “statistically significant” amounts of contaminants — including toxic carcinogens like arsenic and radium — in the groundwater around these facilities.

macro photo of drinking water flow
Photo by Spencer Gurley on

Pruitt’s replacement, Andrew Wheeler, is a coal industry lobbyist, another corporate yes-man who has no problem polluting for profit. Doing away with common-sense water regulations risks poisoning clean drinking water for millions of Americans and polluting already-endangered ecosystems.

Concerns for Laws Changing vs Regulations

And they’re not done with their dirty work. The Trump administration is rewriting dozens of rules. All that govern pollution from oil and gas operations and coal ash dumps, moves that designed to protect our water. At a time when America’s water supply is so crucial for current and future generations. Because our waterways are changing by the EPA. Also there’s a ton of concern about this area being not protected by it. And that’s not hyperbole.  And I too am upset and want answers

cup of clear liquid on glass surface. Drinking water being the concern
Photo by on

The Gift of Life

Clean drinking water isn’t a luxury. Therefore it’s a necessary part to a happy and healthy life. It’s all about the development of our brains, tissues and organs. More importantly, the lifeblood of humankind. After all, the adult human body is made up of 60% water (infants are as high as 75%).

The water crisis that plagued Flint, Michigan, therefore was a punch to the gut of parents everywhere. As a result, it was heartbreaking. Heartbreaking to watch the residents of Flint helplessly trying to get their kids clean drinking water. Furthermore and then coping with the health fallout.

An EPA led by a corrupt administrator has turned its back on responsible environmental oversight. Irresponsible and unethical coal mines, chemical companies and petroleum plants are dumping lead, mercury, PFOAs, dioxins and other contaminants into our drinking water, quietly poisoning Americans. Cancer, malignant tumors, birth defects, and stunted brain development have all been linked to these carcinogens.

What can Americans do about it?

The nation needs independent testing for America’s drinking water, to ensure it’s safe for human consumption. Once WaterWatch USA is fully funded, the organization will start sending out water test kits to households around the country, especially in high-risk areas like downstream from coal and petroleum plants, chemical factories, nuclear storage sites and power plants.

The organization will then send those water samples to independent third-party labs to test for harmful contaminants. Eventually, WaterWatch will input water data from across the United States into an online database to give Americans a clear picture of the status of their drinking water. And the group will keep testing it to hold Trump’s administration accountable for their irresponsible environmental practices.


In conclusion, Americans have a right to know what’s in their drinking water. So Water Watch USA will be the watchdog group that Americans need. They are therefore advocates for clean drinking water for all. So please help our cause. We’re fighting for you and a cleaner, safer America. Let’s make the nation’s drinking water safe for this generation and future generations.

Finally and for more info about WaterWatch USA’s Clean Drinking Water Project, visit or DIEGO – August 1, 2018 –

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