The Focus of Sustainability

This planet is home to every person and animal that inhabits it. We all rely on the resources of this planet to survive. As humans, we use a lot more than what we are able to replace. For this very reason, there has been a shift to sustainable living where we produce what we need while taking little to none of the earth’s resources. Collectively, we need to stop using harmful resources and producing items that end up in landfills. The more we shift towards sustainability, the closer we are to a circular economy. Here we discuss several tips for parents to be more sustainable.

Easy Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Parent

Being a parent, in general, is a full-time job! If you’re a person that practices sustainability and eco-friendliness, then becoming a parent can seem impossible at first. There are five easy ways any parent can practice sustainability without jeopardizing their ability to take care of their child. You can visit to learn more about babies, especially for Choosing Baby’s Name for the First time.

1. Sustainable Children Toys 

There are several companies worldwide that make sustainable children’s toys. Even companies you may not consider could possibly have a section on their website specifically for the sale of eco-friendly toys. A few good companies to start with are Bella Luna Toys and Green Toys. Along with selling GOTS certified or eco-friendly toys, you can also expect them to be shipped in recycled cardboard limiting the waste that is produced in shipping any toys you purchased for the happiness of your child. Let your family and friends know where to buy your bundle of joy’s toys on birthdays and holidays.

2. Reduce Food Packaging

When you have a new child one of the biggest concerns is the amount of waste from baby milk and food packaging. You can go through close to a dozen waste products of baby formula and cereal in two weeks. When your child starts eating there will be even more waste to worry about. Most people don’t consider it, but breastfeeding is the number one waste-free option when it comes to feeding your child. The majority of women don’t because they are concerned about pain, but for the majority of people who do breastfeed it is pain-free. When your child starts eating be proactive and invest in making your own pureed baby food using fruits and vegetables you buy at the supermarket, or local food market.

3. Sustainable Pampers 

In only their first year of life, a newborn child can go through over two thousand pampers. Save your money and the earth at the same time by opting to use sustainable pamper brands like Kanga Care and Smart Bottoms. They create reusable diapers made out of hemp, or organic cotton, that are easy to clean. One of the best things about sustainable diapers is that you can reuse them until your child starts potty training. You never have to worry about buying more, unless it’s absolutely necessary. And with the use of a wet bag, you can easily be on the move with no restrictions.

4. Sustainable Clothes

Bamboo is gaining attention worldwide by children’s clothing manufacturers as an environmentally friendly way of making comfortable children’s clothes. One of the most sustainable resources in the world, bamboo is a fast-growing plant, needs very little attention, and a single bamboo plantation can convert five times more carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen than a forest can. Using bamboo to make children’s clothing is also one of the best choices you can make for your newborn child. The fabric of bamboo baby clothes is soft, organic, breathable, and extremely comfortable for babies with sensitive skin.

5. Learning to be Thrifty 

Being thrifty and using second-hand items is another great way of reducing waste. Many people see second-hand items as low class. But in actuality, we use second-hand items on a regular basis. Whether it’s hand-me-down clothes, coats, books, and toys from children of friends or family members. No to mention that many thrift stores actually have new items with tags. A few good places to start are charity shops, thrift stores, and accepting hand-me-down items instead of buying something new.

Author: Sheryl Wright

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