During the early stages of COVID -19, panic was not uncommon, largely because of the large amount of misinformation floating around. According to experts like the WHO, COVID-19 spreads when you come in contact with an infected person’s respiratory droplets. This can happen through sneezing, coughing, or talking. However, people were also confused about whether they can catch the virus from food, packages, or other surfaces. 

The fact is that viruses can survive on the surfaces where it falls between 24 hours and many days. So, if you touch an infected surface and then touch your nose or mouth with your hand then there is a chance that you may get infected with the virus. Though this may sound scary, the good news is that if you disinfectant the surface and easily get rid of the virus. Your home can be easily infected with this virus if you are not careful. To keep your home safe from the COVID-19 virus you need to take the following steps.

Maintain personal hygiene

It is important to maintain your personal hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water every 30 minutes for 20 seconds. When you are at home, you touch various surfaces throughout the day, creating a risk of spreading and catching the virus from these surfaces. For example, you may put a bag of groceries you bought from the shop on your kitchen counter. If the shopkeeper is infected with COVID-19, then the virus will be transferred to the shopping bag and from there it may contaminate your kitchen counter. That’s why washing your hands frequently is important to keep you safe from the virus. 

If you use a hand sanitizer then make sure that it contains at least 60% alcohol; otherwise, it won’t be effective. Because plastic pollution is such as huge issue, consider plastic-free alternatives. Some eco-friendly brands offer aluminum bottles and even have a refill program. Additionally, remember to cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing so that the virus doesn’t spread through the house. You must maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters or 3 feet when someone from outside comes to visit you at home. Be sure to wear a mask whenever you leave the house, and put it in the washing machine as soon as you get home.

Clean the different surfaces

You should clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces in your house with appropriate cleaning products and be sure to use them as per the products’ instructions. Again, consider products that don’t harm you and the environment. Opt for plant-based and plastic-free cleaners. Make sure to thoroughly wipe tables, chairs, doorknobs, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, toilets, light switches, taps, computers, keyboards, mobile phones, game controllers, remote controls, toys, and many more. For cleaning electronics, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. It can be a good idea to put a cover on electronics so that you can wipe them easily. If you rather leave it to the professionals, consider disinfecting cleaning services Cupertino CA. 

In general terms, you should clean them with water and detergent, then a disinfectant product that contains at least 60% alcohol or bleach. Once you apply the cleaning solution, make sure it stays on the surface for some time before wiping it off – these are the techniques used by commercial cleaners like PHS Interclean and they can serve you well at home also.

Cleaning clothes

It is not yet certain whether the COVID-19 virus can survive on fabric, but it’s worth taking precautions just in case. When you take laundry to your washing machine, don’t shake the laundry basket as this can spread any viruses that are present into the air. To eliminate contamination, you should clean towels, bedsheets, and clothes regularly, washing them with warm water and detergent. 

Handling and preparing food

Though it has not been proved whether you can get the COVID-19 virus from clothes, food, or packaging, it is still important to take steps to clean and disinfect them. When you bring a shopping bag inside your house make sure you get rid of all unnecessary packaging that may harbor the virus, then take the food out and place it in clean containers. If there are cans, you should wipe them clean with detergent or disinfectant. After you have taken the food out you must also wash your hands thoroughly. 

When preparing food you must first wash your hands thoroughly and keep uncooked meat and fish separate from other food. Additionally, make sure to cook at the recommended temperature so that the food is thoroughly cooked. All of these are important food hygiene tips that will eliminate viruses and bacteria in general.


Make sure that home has good ventilation. A faulty HVAC filter will not tackle viruses. You can also buy air purifiers to keep the air inside your home clean.

It is also important to monitor your health closely to protect yourself and others. If you or anyone else in your family may be infected with COVID-19, they should stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom. This will prevent spreading the virus in your home.

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