Creating a healthy and attractive lawn while being eco-friendly can be a difficult balancing act. Typically, beautiful lawns are treated with many damaging chemicals and regular manicures. However, as the importance of protecting the environment grows, so do safe and effective lawn care options. Homeowners can contribute to a healthier environment with the following earth-friendly tips and products.


People use fertilizers to feed their lawns and plants the nutrients they need to thrive. Unfortunately, fertilizers are known to be harmful to pets and children if ingested and have high carbon footprints. If pets are expected to visit the yard, consider using a pet-safe weed killer instead of commonly found chemical herbicides. Greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide are byproducts of the fertilizer creation process. As such, using synthetic fertilizers in excess is not an eco-friendly practice and their use should be reduced.

Instead, organic fertilizers have many benefits for your lawn and the planet. Organic fertilizers release slowly and ensure a supply of nutrients throughout the season, requiring fewer applications. They are less water-soluble and will not be washed away into local waterways, unlike synthetics. It is often little to no waiting time required after organic fertilizer applications so they are safe for pet walks and children’s play. Although organic fertilizers may not show immediate results like synthetics, in the long run, they are safer for the environment, your family, and your community.


Herbicides rid your lawn of unwanted plants or weeds. In recent years, an active ingredient in common herbicides, glyphosate, has been linked to probable cancer and damaging native bee species. To eliminate weeds from your lawn in an environmentally friendly way, try an organic alternative such as acetic acid, clove oils, or corn gluten meal. Some of your cupboard staples can be used in the yard as well to clear out weeds with just a spray bottle or hand application.

Bonus! Did you know that goats are efficient weed killers? Using a herd of goats to clear pesky vegetation such as poison ivy and kudzu can be an earth-friendly alternative to synthetic chemicals. There are many goat rentals companies popping up across the United States to help with this issue.

Make the Switch From Gas

Switching from fossil fuel-powered lawn care machines such as mowers, trimmers, and leaf blowers, to battery or corded machines can help our earth in drastic ways. A recent study found that using gas-powered mowers resulted in as much as 1,500 times more carbon monoxide than the electric varieties available on the market today. So next time you’re looking to upgrade your equipment, take advantage of technological advances and opt for a battery instead. 

Mow High

Mowing high has many environmental benefits for the earth and for your lawn. Taller grass will allow for stronger roots, requiring less water and less weeding. Just adding an inch of length to your lawn can make a difference for yourself and the earth. By letting your grass grow a bit taller, you will reduce your water bill, those pesky weeds, and your environmental impact. 

Bonus! Ready for a unique and mow-free lawn? Try not mowing at all with plants such as clover or moss. These ground cover varieties eliminate the need to clip your lawn, are even more beneficial to the environment with their carbon sequestration and nitrogen boosting abilities, and are pet-friendly.

Conserve Water

Water is a precious natural resource that we should not waste. Ensure you are watering properly to be as eco-friendly as possible with your lawn care. The EPA estimates that thirty percent of all water consumption goes towards quenching our lawn’s thirst. Although many types of grass do need supplemental water, be sure to water appropriately to have a smaller footprint. Watering your lawn less frequently but with more water is an environmentally friendly switch. Rather than daily superficial watering, giving your lawn a deep soak into its healthy roots will conserve water resources. It will also ensure a healthy lawn. Similarly, watering in the morning or evening will reduce how much water you may need. That’s because when there is less sun there is less chance of evaporation.

Protecting the environment has never been more important. Caring for your lawn in an environmentally friendly way has a larger impact than you may think. Your lawn may only be a small piece of land. However, all lawns across the world cover a lot of ground. Your eco-friendly lawn care efforts will provide a luscious curb that’s much safer and enjoyable for you, your family, pets, and the environment.

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