Green living has become an enormous trend in recent years, as environmentally conscious individuals strive to combat the effects of climate change. From heightened recycling efforts to overall waste reduction, people have begun taking a careful look at their everyday habits and behaviors. One high-waste avenue often forgotten are homes, which use-up mass amounts of energy and water, causing increased carbon emissions and depleted resources. 

Every light left on, appliance left plugged in, and unreasonably-small  laundry load damages the environment, leaving many wondering how they can limit their impact without going entirely off the grid. However, there are numerous ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint, from upgrading your HVAC system to investing in renewable energy to diligently recycling. 

Not only does green living help the environment, but it also improves your well-being. By reducing your carbon footprint, you improve your quality of life through consumption and waste reduction. Additionally, by revamping appliances and central systems, you’ll save on expensive household costs by implementing earth-friendly solutions. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your footprint and help the environment, read on for a few energy-saving tips. 

Install solar panels

In the past few years, solar energy has become more affordable and thus more accessible to consumers. While many are excited by renewable energy sources, most are not fully aware of how the process works. 

The key to solar technology is using a non-metal material, most often the element silicon, which can conduct electricity. When light from the sun hits silicon stored in solar panels, the molecules move and create an electrical current. The electricity captured is then fed into an inverter located within the solar panel, transforming raw electricity into an alternating current that home appliances can utilize. 

By adding solar panels to your home, you can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill in addition to greenhouse gas emissions. There are also options to store energy in backup batteries when you need an extra boost. Ultimately, investing in solar panels is a worthwhile, cost-efficient goal. For proper installation methods and high-quality products, partner with solar providers like Ion Solar.

Insulate your home

One of the most efficient ways to make your home energy efficient is investing in insulation. Although hiring a professional seal up your home may seem expensive up-front, you’ll save in the long run with significantly reduced HVAC bills. A good insulation job will help retain heat during the cold winter months and keep warmth out during the summer. 

Replace old appliances with energy-efficient ones

New, innovative, green-based technology has made energy-efficient appliances readily available for consumers everywhere. In addition to merely running more efficiently, smart devices also help reduce energy use by enabling you to shut off appliances remotely via phone or tablet when they are not in use. That way, when you’re out and about, you can enjoy your time away, knowing your home isn’t wasting needless energy.

Replace old windows

Replacing old, single-pane glass windows with double-pane models can help regulate the temperature inside your home. Not only will your house get a face-lift, but circulated air will stay within the four walls of your house. This reduces energy costs and keeps you at a comfortable temperature. 

Washing your clothes in cold water

Almost 90% of energy used by a washing machine goes into heating water. By reducing the number of cycles you run using warm or hot water, you automatically cut your energy consumption. Additionally, washing with cold water is gentler on fabrics and will thus help your clothing last longer.

Wrapping up

Although green living can seem difficult or inconvenient, you’ll be amazed by how efficient, and cost-effective environmentally friendly options are. By changing a few day-to-day habits and investing in energy-saving solutions, you can help both the environment and your wallet.

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