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The Humber: A 2030 Vision for Industrial Decarbonisation

image credit: Decarbonisation Cluster Map Humber
Charley Rattan's picture
Global Hydrogen Trainer & Advisor, Charley Rattan Associates

Charley Rattan, Upskilling, advising and informing the global energy transition. Charley heads Charley Rattan Associates, a team of seasoned trainers and advisors driving forwards the energy...

  • Member since 2019
  • 5,484 items added with 3,662,582 views
  • Jan 26, 2022

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The Humber: A 2030 Vision for Industrial Decarbonisation


Tiago Figueiró's picture
Tiago Figueiró on Jan 26, 2022

Those investments would have to be approved in the next couple of years. Right now hydrogen at the factories would cost at the very least 80 Eur/MWh.
Argus Biomass CIF NWE prices up to the first half of 2021 were identical to TTF natural gas prices, and have kept steadily rising since then. When the current spike normalizes biomass and natural gas will most likely converge again. Increasing demand for biomass as companies look for net zero compromises will likely push the price above that of natural gas, even when considering carbon credits.

Most of non-Nordic Europe has Electricity-to-Gas price ratios between 3,5 and 5,0. Nuclear and coal decommissioning and ensuing race for natural gas, combined with increasing demand for Electricity (electric mobility, electrification of HVAC) will ensure that this ratio doesn't go well below 3 any time soon, which is the COP for industrial heat pumps working between ~20 and ~80ºC. For Steam production COPs will be below 2 unless you have a lot of locally available waste heat.
Net zero industry will not happen any time soon without extensive government intervention through subsidizing increased energy costs or mandating decarbonization (and risk carbon flight of at least marginal production). We should have started this 50 years ago when scientists started warning us...

Tiago Figueiró's picture
Tiago Figueiró on Jan 26, 2022

We must move current hydrogen consuming processes close to renewable rich areas close to high capacity freight rail and not use hydrogen anywhere else.

Bob Meinetz's picture
Bob Meinetz on Jan 26, 2022

"We should have started this 50 years ago when scientists started warning us..."

France did start it 50 years ago, and has been a standard-setter for carbon-free energy ever since.

Charley Rattan's picture
Thank Charley for the Post!
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