Net Zero Investment: What role do investors play?

BusinessGreen staff
clock • 1 min read

VIDEO: Catch up on panel discussion with Carbon Tracker's Mark Campanale, Scottish Widows' Shipra Gupta, and Schroders' Hannah Simons - available on demand here

BusinessGreen readers can now catch up on our first webinar of the year which, hosted last week in association with asset manager Schroders, looked at the role investors can play in accelerating, or delaying, the net zero transition.

Available to watch on demand above, the interactive panel discussion explored the challenges businesses and investors face as they seek to get a better handle on climate risks and environmental performance, and featured a host of leading figures and experts in the world of sustainable investing.

The webinar brought together head of sustainability strategy at Schroders, Hannah Simons, alongside Carbon Tracker co-founder and CEO Mark Campanale, and Scottish Widows' head of investment stewardship Shipra Gupta, to debate how the net zero transition is leading to exciting new investment trends that all investors and businesses need to be aware of.

Also up for discussion was how a growing number of financial institutions have announced ambitious plans to deliver more sustainable, and eventually net zero emission, portfolios, while at the same time customer demand for low carbon and ESG investment products is growing fast.

To watch the discussion in full again - which was chaired by BusinessGreen editor James Murray - click on the video above.


The 'Net zero investment: What role do investors play?' webinar was hosted by BusinessGreen in association with Schroders.

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