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MAKING THE BREAKTHROUGH Green hydrogen policies and technology costs | IRENA

image credit: Irena
Charley Rattan's picture
Global Hydrogen Trainer & Advisor, Charley Rattan Associates

Charley Rattan, Upskilling, advising and informing the global energy transition. Charley heads Charley Rattan Associates, a team of seasoned trainers and advisors driving forwards the energy...

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  • Feb 19, 2023

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MAKING THE BREAKTHROUGH Green hydrogen policies and technology costs  | IRENA

Turning green hydrogen from a niche player into a widespread energy carrier calls for an integrated policy approach to build the market. This rests on four central pillars: National hydrogen strategies.

These can start with research and development (R&D) programmes, followed by a vision document on “why hydrogen”, “why this jurisdiction”, and “why now”.

Next is a roadmap of short-term actions, identifying high-priority research areas and applications. Finally, the strategy sets levels of ambition and of support. It can be followed by economic, social and environmental impact analyses. Policy priorities for green hydrogen. Each country or region should identify its highest-value hydrogen pathways, along with policy goals like reducing air pollution, boosting economic growth or decarbonising hard to-abate sectors.

Other decarbonisation alternatives should also be weighed, and renewable power should not be diverted from other, existing productive uses.

A guarantee-of-origin system. A certification system helps to differentiate, and value, green hydrogen. Common classifications are needed for all hydrogen in use, with life-cycle emissions indicated for any given batch. Governance system and enabling policies. These create the socioeconomic space for green hydrogen uptake. R&D, workforce and other policies should reflect the systemic and social value of energy choices. New policies can create local value chains and encourage demand for green products. Specific measures can level the playing field with fossil fuels.

Hydrogen Networks




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