New cookbook encourages us to put more plants on our plates

A new book, “Food Is the Solution: What to Eat to Save the World” by Matthew Prescott, offers 80 plant-based recipes in the hopes of motivating people to eat healthier, while reducing their environmental impact.

Agriculture is a significant driver of global warming and causes 15 per cent of all emissions, half of which are from livestock. In November 2017, 15,364 world scientists signed a Warning to Humanity calling for, among other things, drastically diminishing the per capita consumption of meat. Food Is the Solution is trying to address this issue by empowering people to make a positive impact—by simply eating more plants.

Aside from eco-friendly recipes, the book also includes investigative reporting, compelling infographics, and beautiful photography. Over 60 celebrities, experts, and other notable figures have endorsed Food Is the Solution.


Matthew is an advisor to the Good Food Institute and the Senior Director of Food & Agriculture for The Humane Society of the United States. He’s spent over a decade and a half sharing his knowledge with Ivy League universities, Fortune 500 companies, consumers, and more.

According to Matthew’s website: “The solution to saving the planet is actually pretty easy. We can save the world with every bite, simply by putting more plants on our plates. Just remember: more plants, less meat, greener planet. Food is the solution.”

Get a taste of Matthew’s brand of cuisine by trying out the free recipes offered on his website.

Learn more via this video:
