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GAO And NRC Argue About Dirty Bombs

This article is more than 5 years old.

Let’s face it – dirty bombs are all about fear, not real harm.

This issue was front and center this month when the Government Accountability Office (GAO) scolded the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for not taking the socioeconomic effects of a dirty bomb attack seriously.

NRC blasted back – what are you talking about? We do. And you really should understand dirty bombs better.

Middle East Intelligence Bulletin

In the report, published in early April, the GAO said the NRC’s regulation of radioactive material storage should be stricter because of the indirect consequences of a so-called dirty bomb attack. These consequences, which the GAO classed as “socioeconomic consequences,” include deaths associated with mass evacuation of people in the area, basically fear-based, plus the hazards and expense of environmental cleanup after an attack.

In other words, if someone put a tiny amount of radioactive material, say Am-241 from a bunch of smoke alarms, into a car bomb, exploded it in Times Square, then called into the news to say there was radioactivity in it, panic would ensue.

If we detected a small amount of radioactivity - which is easy since we can detect any amount - even one atom disintegrating - when we said there really wasn’t enough rad to worry about, no one would believe the “government”, and it would be a long time before anyone would re-enter that area.

Every day Manhattan is shut down costs $60 million so that is the real effect of a dirty bomb. As Sig Hecker coined, it is a Weapon of Mass Disruption.

So in this vein, the GAO thinks we should have heightened security around all smoke detectors. Which I'm sure they don't. But that's the problem with trying to regulate every atom.

Even worse, the FBI considers a phantom dirty bomb attack, in which there is no radioactivity with the car bomb but an anonymous caller says there is, to be the most likely scenario to occur and which would have the same impact. It would be on the news, everyone would freak, and the socioeconomic costs would still be large, although no clean-up would be needed.

The Source Security Working Group (SSWG), the body most able to understand this subject, and offer policies that secure and protect against misuse of radioactive materials, responded. “We are pleased the GAO confirmed the existing expert consensus that the risk to the public of injury or death from radiation caused by a radiological dispersion device (a.k.a. dirty bomb) are unlikely to occur.”

“However, we strongly disagree with GAO’s recommendation that the NRC should use so-called “socioeconomic factors” in determining the appropriate level of regulatory oversight and security requirements. This change would unnecessarily politicize an independent regulatory agency that should be making decisions solely on the basis of sound science.”

And this is the crux of the issue surrounding dirty bombs. Everyone in the field knows that the fear of radiation is much more dangerous than the radiation itself. It’s just that the public doesn’t.

This is why a dirty bomb will be affective against the West. The fear of radiation is contagious. And the only vaccine is knowledge.

It’s also why we are losing the race to stem climate change effects, because people are afraid to build nuclear power plants, even though they are safer than any other type of power, including renewables.


To recap, dirty bombs are a class of weapons known as radiation dispersal devices, or RDDs, that use conventional methods, such as a car bomb or even a crop-duster, to disperse radioactive materials in a populated economic district, like lower Manhattan. The point is to cause great economic and social disruption disproportionate to the actual radiological effects and well beyond the physical destruction from the conventional bomb components.

Our irrational fear of radiation makes a dirty bomb the ultimate weapon of terror. But a psychological weapon, not a nuclear weapon. The public should not be any more afraid of a dirty bomb than an ordinary car bomb.

A key aspect of dirty bombs is that they are self-limiting – the greater the dispersal, the lower the radioactive doses. As an example, a fist-sized amount of powdered 137CsCl (about 2,200 Curie, see figure above), available in medium-size irradiation units, is lethal after about 1 hour of exposure at only 1 meter (dose ~ 1,000 rem/hr or 10 Sv/hr).

However, this amount of radiation is not dangerous if spread out by a car bomb over 10 by 10 city blocks (dose < 1 rem/yr or 10 mSv/yr), similar to background levels in many places in America and on Earth, because the surface area in 10 by 10 city blocks is over 1 billion square feet (95 million square meters).

Fortunately, only a few large radioactive sources exist (see figure below), and they are well-protected and tracked by the NRC and other agencies. They are also so hot that it is extremely difficult to shield sufficiently to transport without setting off the now-abundant detectors all over the developed world, or killing the smugglers themselves. Since large sources are also highly lethal to handle, the logistics for a terrorist group become extremely difficult.

But not impossible.

Greg van Tuyle

The United States has performed detailed studies of dirty bombs for years, and came to the conclusion that such an attack would be ineffective and that they don’t pose a substantial danger beyond the conventional blast and the psychological effect. Other countries came to the same conclusion.

NNSA and other agencies have also removed lots of radiological irradiators that use Cs-137 and Co-60, and replaced them with X-ray units that do not use radioactive materials.

So any effective RDD anti-terror strategy must include serious efforts to communicate and inform the public about the relative dangers, or lack thereof, of dirty bombs.  If the consensus is that radiation won't likely do much harm, let’s say so -- clearly -- without the “but” stuff afterwards.

The American People aren’t stupid. They just need to have the facts. And the GAO is one of those institutions that does reach the country as a whole. Together, we can find some creative ways of having an honest conversation about this BEFORE something bad happens.

In addition, there should be a significant federal investment in a renewed, focused low dose radiation health effects research initiative. There is a growing expert consensus that the current radiation standards are overly conservative and actually add to the fear.

No presidential administration, especially this one, has the social license to act by administrative fiat. Instead, we should harness the revolution in genomics and proteomics to bring some new scientific data and insights to the table. Not just dirty bombs will be better understood, but our whole debate on nuclear energy and climate change will be stronger.

Fear cannot be regulated. But it can be countered. If the GAO really wanted to do something useful in this area, they should concentrate on telling the Government how to make the public less fearful of radiation and reverse the 60-year fear-mongering that has gone on in the United States and the world as a result of political maneuvering during the Cold War.

The SSWG went on rebut the GAO’s recommendations:

“Source-based radiation technologies have been used safely and securely for decades.  They save countless lives each year by destroying cancerous tumors and making sure our medical supplies are free from bacterial contamination and that our roads, bridges, and pipelines are structurally sound.

These technologies are subjected to stringent government regulations, and the men and women who use them are committed to maintaining a strong culture of safety and security.

The SSWG stands ready to work with Congress and the administration in support of common sense policies that effectively balance the risks of radiological sources with their societal benefits.”

NRC’s policies and protocols, along with those of DOE, NNSA, our National Labs, and the nuclear community in general, have kept us safe from any radiological terrorism or accident.

But the danger posed by irrational fear of radiation is real, and seems to be growing. The GAO is actually the best agency to demand a factual assessment - and policy corrections – for the Nation as a whole. It’s what they do. They can determine the real cost of this fear, and corral those government agencies best able to reverse it. These include DHS, NRC, DOJ, EPA, HHS, DoD, DOE, DoEd, FBI, NSF, CPSC, OSHA, NASA and CDC, to name a few.

This is not a technical or scientific issue, this is political and sociological.

Let the NRC do its job of science and regulation. They’re not in the PR business.

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