March 17, 2021

February 5, 2021
Contact: Hannah Blatt,, 202-572-3534

Environmental Groups Urge Swift Passage of the Senate’s For The People Act
Groups will continue to engage their millions of members and supporters to pass this historic act

(Washington, DC) —Thanks to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senators Amy Klobuchar and Jeff Merkley’s leadership, the For the People Act (S1) is being formally introduced in the Senate today. This bill is arguably the most consequential people-empowering legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Many groups in the environmental community actively supported the passing of this act in the U.S. House of Representatives. These groups remain engaged in ensuring the Senate swiftly passes this historic legislation.

In support of this historic act, this community of environmental groups issued the following statement:

“On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, we urge the Senate to pass the For the People Act. This historic act would expand and protect the public’s access to free and fair elections while reining in the destructive influence money plays in our political process. This bill ensures that our democracy works for everyone, especially communities of color who historically carry the heaviest burden of pollution and voter suppression.

“These past few years have made it crystal clear that our community cannot effectively tackle the environmental issues facing our country — like combating the climate crisis, advancing environmental justice, and protecting our air, lands, waters, biodiversity, wildlife, and oceans — without fixing our broken system that provides disproportionate access and power to the wealthy. The broken status quo rewards special interests instead of the public and lets them push their toxic agenda in Congress while workers, families, communities, and our environment pay the price.

“The time has come for bold, ambitious reforms to strengthen democracy for, and by, the people, so that we can make real and lasting climate progress, protect the environment and advance justice for all.”

The following groups signed the letter: Clean Air Moms Action, Clean Water Action, Defend Our Future, Earthjustice, EDF Action, Greenpeace, League of Conservation Voters, National Wildlife Federation Action Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society

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