
Now more than ever, we need to do our bit for the environment. From the comfort of our own homes, we can commit to positive changes that will make an impact. If you haven’t ever stopped to think about what products you buy and how you consume and dispose of them – now’s the time. By making small changes, we can all help to reduce the rubbish that we produce within our homes.


Here are 4 things that you can do to ensure that you’re reducing waste in your house.

Reducing your landfill

Landfill waste is not just unsightly, it also poses risks to humans from harmful chemical leaks and has negative effects on the environment. Methane, which is released as organic matter in landfill decomposes, traps up to 20 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. To reduce your landfill impact, try and compost food waste at home to be used in your garden. If you haven’t a garden at home and are conscious about your landfill impact, freecycling furniture as opposed to taking it to the tip can give items a second lease of life.

Upcycle your furniture

There are no limits to what you can create when you upcycle. Before heading out to the stores to purchase new pieces of furniture, have a look around your home to figure out what you could restore. If you’re not sure where to start, go online for inspiration first – and then get ready to breathe new life into old pieces!

Before you start your exciting project, ensure that you have the right tools to do the job. Investing in power tools from the likes of SGS will guarantee that you can get to work on your new wardrobe or chest of drawers straight away. Anyone can join the upcycling revolution – so why not begin now?

Buy and use recyclable containers

After batch cooking, recyclable containers come in very handy for storing your food. They can be kept in the fridge or freezer until you are ready to have each meal. They’re also great for storing pasta, cereal and biscuits. After finishing your food, simply wash them and use them again.

Refrain from using single plastic water bottles

At the end of the week, you could discover that you have used over five plastic water bottles. This is huge waste material, so instead of throwing away every bottle you use, why not invest in a flask or reusable water bottle that you can take with you every day?

Step away from the single use wipes

Anti-bacterial wipes are convenient for wiping down surfaces and cleaning the bathrooms, and wet wipes come in very handy with children, but they are very damaging to the environment. Swap wipes for washable cloths or flannels that can be used time and time again.

Do your bit towards creating a healthier environment by following the above advice today.

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