Adam Barnett - new white crop
Adam Barnett is DeSmog's UK News Reporter. He is a former Staff Writer at Left Foot Forward and BBC Local Democracy Reporter.

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Pro-industry advertisements amounted to greenwashing, an Ad Standards Canada decision found. Canada Action is appealing.

Pro-industry advertisements amounted to greenwashing, an Ad Standards Canada decision found. Canada Action is appealing.

The broadcaster’s decision to platform a “notorious” anti-science group raises major questions ahead of the general election, campaigners say.

The broadcaster’s decision to platform a “notorious” anti-science group raises major questions ahead of the general election, campaigners say.

The company’s climate strategy could result in more emissions than it prevents.

The company’s climate strategy could result in more emissions than it prevents.

Panellists criticised net zero as “stupid propaganda” and suggested that climate action would “take us back to the dark ages”.

Panellists criticised net zero as “stupid propaganda” and suggested that climate action would “take us back to the dark ages”.