echo home

echo home

Healthier, cleaner and cheaper—eco-friendly homes offer lots of benefits. As more people become environmentally conscious, many are looking for new ways to live sustainability.

And this starts with the home.

Research shows house-buyers prefer environmentally sustainable properties. Most popular features include energy-efficient heating, double glazing and hot water systems.

So, if you’re thinking of selling your home any time in the future, it’s worthwhile investing time to make it greener and more energy-efficient now.

But, don’t worry, creating a sustainable life doesn’t mean you have to choose alternative living like building a treehouse or moving into a canal boat. You can make your own home energy efficient and eco-friendlier by just following these seven practical tips.

#1 Install low energy appliances

By reducing our energy usage we’re consuming less of the earth’s (limited) resources. And, we’re saving money.

Here some things to look out for when purchasing low-energy appliances.

  • Check the energy rating. For instance, an A+++ is the most efficient while a G rating is the least efficient.
  • Get the right size for your needs. For instance, there’s no point buying an enormous washing machine if you live alone and don’t have much laundry.

#2 Put in motion detectors for lighting

It’s too easy to forget to turn lights off when you leave a room. You can prevent unnecessary wastage by putting in motion sensors. They also increase safety if installed outside and ensure you don’t leave the lights on accidentally in garages or sheds.

#3 Switch to LED lights

Yes, they’re more expensive but their unsurpassed long life makes them worth it. LED lights last 25 times longer than normal incandescent bulbs. They’re more energy-efficient and as they need to less changing, they require far less maintenance.

#4 Upgrade to a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat offers a heap of benefits. Namely, it’s the best way to control your central heating remotely so stops you from wasting energy when you’re not home or not using it. They also tell you how much energy you’ve used in real-time so you can track and manage your usage more easily.

#5 Invest in water-saving fixtures

Water wastage is not only costly but can also cause a lot of damage to your home. To help you conserve water replace your plumbing fixtures with for water-saving showerheads and faucets, Also, fix any drippy taps.

#6 Insulate

Not only does insulation reduce energy consumption, noise pollution but it also helps keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer.

#7 Reuse old materials

Rather than using plastic, go for products like recycled wood or glass or biodegradable materials. These have a lower carbon footprint and are far less damaging to the planet.

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