organic cotton

organic cotton

Living a greener life is on everyone’s mind, but with the chaos of the every day demanding constant attention, it can sometimes be challenging to commit to those eco-friendly choices. But don’t fret — here are five easy swaps which will help reduce our impact on the planet.


Swap Regular Cotton for Organic Cotton

It’s softer, more durable and kinder to the planet and those who grow it. Organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides or chemicals, making it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option. Due to being hand-picked, organic cotton has longer and more robust fibres, which make it softer and more breathable than regular cotton. So next time you’re shopping for new clothes, look for items made from organic cotton. You’ll be doing your part to help the planet, and you’ll end up with a closet full of eco-friendly and long-lasting clothes.

Because it is grown without harsh chemicals organic cotton can be best for people with extra sensitive skin. This can be useful in products such as organic cotton baby clothes, as babies are more likely to have a skin reaction to these chemicals.

Swap Harsh Cleaning Products for Green Cleaning Products

As well as avoiding harsh chemicals used while growing organic cotton, you can also reduce their effects by choosing special eco-friendly cleaning products, and the same can be said of pest control of lawn growers. Shopping around and looking for eco-friendly cleaning products is an easy swap that can help make a difference to the environment.

Swap Spontaneous Meals for Planned Weekly Menus

Another industry that can be extremely harmful to the environment is the food industry, and disorganised eating habits can lead to waste, which is heartbreaking for any eco-conscious person. One great habit to get into is to plan a weekly menu and buy only the food products you need. Although a simple menu design, this can save a lot of food (and money) and therefore create a smaller footprint from our eating habits.

Swap Imported Foods for Local Produce

Furthermore, it is even better to have a planned menu of meals that use local — or even foraged — food. Locally grown foods are often organic, use less packaging and come with a much smaller carbon footprint, both significant pluses for a greener life. Get down to your local market and make that eco swap!

Swap Your Takeaway Coffee Cup for a Reusable Cup

Another super easy way to stop the waste from piling up is to swap the takeaway cups from the trips to the coffee shop with reusable cups. Although this is a straightforward swap, it’s an important one — billions of throwaway coffee cups are used each year, and only a fraction of those are recycled or can be recycled. Making the change to remember a reusable cup, and encouraging your friends to do the same, can help to slowly turn the tide on this catastrophic source of waste.

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