New Hydrogen in Aviation alliance launched by UK aviation leaders

New Hydrogen in Aviation alliance launched by UK aviation leaders

September 7, 2023 2 By John Max

Companies have teamed up to help accelerate the development of hydrogen aviation.

A group of leading aviation and renewable energy companies in the UK have come together to establish the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance to speed up zero carbon aviation development. Among the companies taking part in the Hydrogen in Aviation (HIA) alliance include easyJet, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, GKN Aerospace, Ørsted and Bristol Airport.

HIA believes more attention should be paid to the potential of directly using hydrogen in aviation.

Those who established the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance believe that though there are a variety of options for decarbonizing the aviation sector, such as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), synthetic fuels or batteries, the potential of the direct use of hydrogen should be given greater attention.

One of the primary objectives of the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance is to make certain that the UK capitalizes on the massive opportunity H2 presents to the aviation industry as well as the United Kingdom as a whole. The group will draw on their extensive expertise to propose a “clear and deliverable pathway” to achieve hydrogen-powered aviation.

According to a recent news release announcing the new alliance, HIA “will work constructively” with the Government, local authorities and the aviation and hydrogen sectors to allow the country to fulfill its potential as a “global leader in the critical application of hydrogen technology.”

The Hydrogen in Aviation alliance’s pathway will include how to scale up the infrastructure and the policy, regulatory and safety frameworks that will be required to ensure large scale commercial hydrogen aviation can become a reality.

According to the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance, the UK Government, needs to focus on three key areas.

Hydrogen in Aviation alliance - Concept image of an H2 aircraft in flight

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These three key areas are a must if the country is to meet decarbonization targets as well as see economic benefits. The key areas include:

  • Supporting the delivery of the infrastructure necessary for the UK to be a global leader.
  • Ensuring the aviation regulatory regime is H2 ready.
  • Transforming the funding for H2 aviation R&D support into a 10-year program.

“There is no doubt that the UK has the potential to become a world leader in hydrogen aviation, which could bring with it a £34bn per annum boost to the country’s economy by 2050, but in order to capture this opportunity, rapid change is needed and the time to act is now,” said Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet and first Chair of the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance.

Hydrogen is key to giving the UK economy a boost.

hydrogen news ebookIn addition to being critical for meeting net-zero targets, experts suggest that aviation powered by hydrogen will give the country’s economy a big boost.

“We must work together to deliver the radical solutions required for a hard to abate industry like aviation so we can protect and maximise the benefits that it brings to the UK economy and society and that we know British consumers want to be preserved,” Lundgren added.

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