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EPA’s Proposed Aircraft CO2 Standard Is Already Obsolete

Updated Jul 22, 2020, 09:36pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday proposed the first ever carbon dioxide (CO2) standards for aircraft — sounds like a big deal, right? After all, aviation emissions generate 12% of all transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the US - and they have been growing at much more rapid rate than automobile emissions. But this pseudo-environmental proposal is not all it appears to be.

Officially, the EPA is adopting the 2016 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) carbon dioxide aviation standard for new aircraft, making it effective for U.S. aircraft in 2028. But, here’s the catch. According to the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), all new aircraft delivered in 2016—the year ICAO announced the standard—already met the 2028 standards. By 2019, airplane deliveries were 6% more fuel efficient than the standards, which were not even required until 2028!

In other words, Trump’s EPA is not finally taking much-needed action to reduce the greenhouse gases from aviation. Instead, it is merely codifying what the airline industry already did four years ago, once again giving polluters a pass.

Rapid Growth in Emissions

This is particularly disappointing—if not unexpected—because aviation emissions have grown at an astonishing rate, 70% higher than assumed by ICAO projections. Aircraft manufacturers have adopted new technologies improving fuel consumption over the past 15 years, but the exponential demand growth for global travel is outstripping progress made on fuel efficiency.

Without regulations with stretch targets driving the aviation industry to accelerate their fuel efficiency gains, aviation’s share of carbon pollution will continue growing at a rapid rate. By 2050, ICAO forecast that airplane emissions will increase three-fold over 2015 levels. A study of over 40 million trips suggests the situation is even more dire: Emissions from global air travel may be increasing more than 1.5 times as fast as the ICAO estimate. If unmitigated, aviation greenhouse gas emissions could account for 27% of global CO2 emissions by 2050.

The EPA and Aviation Industry Can Do Better

EPA’s proposal is based on an ICAO standard. ICAO is a UN agency created in 1944 to set global standards and regulations for safety and environmental protection. However, in my 20 years of experience directing the EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, ICAO has a poor record when it comes to setting environmental standards. It mostly grandfathers in what industry is already doing, leaving the aviation industry essentially unregulated.

The result is that historically, EPA’s adoption of ICAO provisions—such as nitrogen oxide emission standards—have not created environmental benefits. Another EPA proposal based on ICAO standards will again have zero climate benefits. We need a different strategy to cause the aviation industry do its part in meeting mid-century carbon neutrality.

Existing EPA emission standards, for cars, trucks, locomotives and other mobile sources, show what these rules should look like. Smart regulation encourages the creation of new markets for advanced, clean technologies and innovative solutions to meet this demand. When applied to other transportation sectors, these “technology forcing” regulations have led to massive reduction in emissions—98-99% since the 1960s.

EPA needs to go back to the drawing board and adopt meaningful greenhouse gas rules for aviation that are driven by science to achieve zero carbon by mid-century. Setting near and long-term targets for the industry will compel it to invest in and innovate towards these goals—just like other transportation sectors. These technology-forcing standards should apply not just to new engines but also the standards should apply to in-use aircraft. This would encourage scrapping old and inefficient aircraft, creating new markets for more efficient ones.

Aviation Challenges

Even with these tried and true models for reducing the emissions of the aviation industry, it will remain one of the most challenging sectors of the economy when it comes to zeroing its carbon footprint. Passenger vehicles have seen big gains from electrification. Due to the enormous amount of energy needed to keep a plane in the air, electrification is only currently feasible on short haul flights.

Renewable jet fuels have made significant progress, but still face challenges including cost, supply, and delivery. Also, most biofuels produced today are made from corn, palm oil, and other food crops associated with high greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable low-carbon aviation fuels must be produced from wastes or energy crops grown on low-carbon land.

But fuels aren’t the only way to reduce emissions. Using lighter materials and improving engine efficiency have already significantly reduced CO2 emissions. But without mandates to do better, there’s no urgency for companies to invest in these technologies

No Time Like the Present

Last year, climate activist Greta Thunberg sailed across the Atlantic to deliver a speech a climate change to the United Nations. By replacing a six-hour flight with a two-week boat trip, she hoped to highlight how much aviation is contributing to climate change. 

This year, the airline industry has been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. So far, the priority in Washington, DC has been to save aviation jobs - clearly very important. In the recent industry bail out, Congress considered—but ultimately didn’t pass—a requirement that the airline industry to meet certain greenhouse gas reduction requirements as part of the industry bail out.

It was a missed opportunity, but not the end of the story. As the world continues to heat up—2019 was the second hottest year on record while 2020 is likely to be the hottest—Americans are increasingly likely to demand more action on climate change. An April 2020 Pew Research poll found the two in three Americans say the government isn’t doing enough to reduce climate change.

Government and airlines must work together to create a post-pandemic future that incorporates sustainability as a priority. It will take cooperation as well as strong regulatory mandates and government incentives to achieve these goals. But, as air travel comes back after the pandemic, the industry must be better positioned to meet its moral obligation of continually reducing its carbon footprint.

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