
China’s First 100-Kilogram Vehicle-Mounted Liquid Hydrogen System Was Successfully Developed

By May 13, 2024 2   min read  (261 words)

May 13, 2024 |

2024 05 11 15 32 00

China Launches “Track 1000” Liquid Hydrogen System to Boost Heavy Truck Range New System Aims to Transform Hydrogen Transport with Extended Range and Cost Efficiency

On May 10, in Beijing, the 101st Institute of the Sixth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation unveiled “Track 1000,” a highly advanced vehicle-mounted liquid hydrogen system. This system represents a major technological leap in China’s pursuit of extending the operational range of hydrogen-powered heavy trucks beyond 1,000 kilometers, positioning it as a critical component in the transition to greener heavy-duty transportation.

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As the first 100-kilogram vehicle-mounted liquid hydrogen system in the country, “Track 1000” showcases substantial improvements over its predecessors. It achieves a 20% increase in effective volume within the same external dimensions, elevating its hydrogen capacity to 100 kilograms. This enhancement aligns the system’s storage density, filling time, and other key parameters with international standards.

The design of “Track 1000” incorporates advanced concepts such as forward design and modularity. The system optimizes and integrates the “storage, supply, and addition process” through five main modules: liquid hydrogen cylinders, valve boxes, vaporization buffers, controls, and load-bearing structures. This integration ensures full localization and control over core technologies.

Cost-efficiency is another pivotal aspect of the “Track 1000.” Through strategic design limitations, optimized manufacturing processes, and robust supply chain management, the system’s cost has been slashed by more than 30% compared to previous models. This cost reduction not only enhances its competitiveness against high-pressure gas and other hydrogen systems but also suggests further price declines once mass production commences.

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